ACEC-R1: Completion of Specific Questions

Animal Ethics Committee: Guidance for Completion of Specific Questions

13. Aim of the project in lay terms

A brief description of the aims and significance of the project would usually be adequate. There needs to be a balance between brevity and completeness but remember the description should be designed for a lay audience (people with no scientific background).

15-16. Reasons for animal use

Alternatives to using animals must be investigated and used wherever possible. The AEC must be informed of alternatives that exist and why these cannot be used.

19-20. Number of animals

It should be explained clearly why the number of animals has been chosen. Too few animals (resulting in statistically insignificant data) may be as much of a problem as too many animals (in terms of wastage of the use of animals).

21. Sequence of events

It is important to present this section so that it is clear what is happening to animals from the beginning to the end of the project and over what time sequence. Flow charts and other diagrams are often helpful. Where several groups of animals receive different treatments, listing them in tabular form may assist.

22-23. Impact

It is very important that you provide all the relevant information and answer the questions as fully as possible. The CHECKLIST that accompanies the form will help you in this.

24-26. Monitoring

The level of monitoring required will vary according to the type of research and animals used. Some of this information may have already been provided in answer to the question on impact but it should be repeated for the assistance of the committee. Details should include methods used and frequency of monitoring.

27-32. Animal housing and management

Standards of animal housing and management can have a significant effect on animal well-being and thus on experimental results. It is therefore important that a full description of housing is provided.

33. Source

Under the legislation, non-exempt animals must be obtained from a licensed animal supplier. Issues such as capture of wild animals or obtaining animals from remote sources that will necessitate prolonged transport will also need to be considered by the committee and the answer should be as complete as possible.

39. Technical competence

Describe if experience is relevant to the species to be used as well as type and length (years) of experience.

Acknowledgements: This Application Form is based on a model form provided by the Animal Research Review Panel.

For more information, contact the Secretary to the Committee:

Belinda Waddell
Governance Officer
Phone: 02 6338 6147
Phone: 02 6338 4194

Office of Governance and Corporate Affairs
The Grange, Building 1205
CSU in Bathurst

Postal Address
Office of Governance and Corporate Affairs
The Grange
Charles Sturt University
Panorama Avenue
Bathurst NSW 2795