Why Charles Sturt University

Charles Sturt University is committed to excellence in research, to identifying and supporting areas and projects which allow the University to undertake internationally competitive research and research training.

Research Expertise

Key drivers for our research activities are quality and excellence, with an emphasis on the creation of new knowledge for the advancement of fields of study and the enhancement of society in general.

Support Services

Charles Sturt University has a number of Research Support Services designed to provide support for Researchers, Supervisors and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Candidates across their research endeavours and careers.

Research Centres

Research Centres have been established to provide areas of research concentration and support the University's commitment to collaborative and interdisciplinary research.

Research Leadership

Charles Sturt University's staff profile includes around 140 members of the professoriate, including 15 Strategic Research Professors employed to further enhance our research capacity.

Scholarships & Fee Support

Research Higher Degree Scholarships and other funding support is available.

Professional Development

Charles Sturt University offers a variety of flexible Professional Development Programs to support your research when you need it.

Industry Partnerships

Significant industry partnerships for building regional communities and achieving sustainable futures.

Research Archive

Open access to a digital archive of Charles Sturt University research including journal articles, conference papers and creative works.