Commencing an application: First steps

Before you can submit an application for funding to an external organisation to conduct research, it must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).

This includes proposals which list Charles Sturt University either as the lead organisation or a participating organisation.

All research funding received by Charles Sturt University requires a legal instrument which binds the University to performing research tasks and/or producing reports and outputs.

Under the University Delegations and Authorisations policy, the DVC-R is the delegated authority within Charles Sturt University to approve the submission of all applications lodged with an external organisation for research funding. The Research Office is responsible for facilitating the approval and submission process.

  • Types of applications

    An application for research funding should meet the definition of research and may include:

    • an expression of interest
    • a preliminary or full proposal
    • a tender, contract research or consultancy application
  • What to submit

    A completed application submitted via the Research Project Request Form will include:

    • Application form and relevant attachments
    • Application budget
    • Copy of funding body guidelines
    • Confirmation of any leveraging funding commitments to support the application
    • Draft support letter (if required by the funding body)

    The above documents should be submitted through the Research Project Request (RPR) Form in MyResearch at least 10 working days prior to the external funding body deadline.

    For large competitive grant rounds (eg. ARC/NHMRC), or funding schemes with limited numbers of applications from each institution, the deadlines may vary and will be advertised widely in these instances.

  • Research Project Request form

    All Charles Sturt University investigators named on the project will be included in the Research Project Request (RPR) Form and are required to obtain the approval of their Heads of School.

    For projects administered by a Research Institute, the Research Project Request form will be approved by the Institute Director. For projects administered by a School, approval will be by the Associate Dean (Research).

    The RPR Form facilitates the following research management practices within the University:

    • School/Institute level approval to commit Charles Sturt University Researchers, facilities and resources to participate in an externally funded research project
    • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) institutional approval to submit the application on behalf of the University
    • Research data capture that informs institutional reporting requirements
    • Research Performance data for academic staff which informs the EDRS annual review process
  • Submit

    All applications should be submitted through the RPR Form in MyResearch at least 10 working days prior to the external funding body deadline.

    Note: If you are seeking leverage support as part of your application, please also follow the steps outlined at Budget development and resources.

    For more information please contact the Grant Development Team at
