Research Skills

We support researchers and Graduate Research Candidates to obtain research skills by offering workshops, programs, and online resources.

Our aim is to build confidence, capability, and independence by enabling you to:

  • Progress your academic and research skills.
  • Develop the transferable skills you need for research.
  • Develop your skills, knowledge, and experience for personal development.

Events and Resources



Researcher development workshops and programs

Visit the Researcher Training calendar for opportunities to develop your research skills, such as writing more clearly for a variety of purposes, overcoming procrastination and meeting your milestones, and analysing your data. Workshops are online and recorded, so you can join from anywhere with a computer and internet connection.

Research Groups

Regular research groups, such as Research Bootcamps, Research & Write!, and other programs. Email the Research Skills Officer for more information about joining or starting a writing group.

Research Skills Site Join the Research Skills site in Interact2 for examples of research writing, links to online tools, guides and handouts, and event announcements. (See instructions to join below.)

Accessing the Research Skills I2 site

Research Skills is one of the many organisational sites in Interact2. Anyone who is a student or staff member can join and access resources and receive email announcements about upcoming events.

Here are the steps to join:

  1. Login to Interact2
  2. Click on Organisations in the top menu
  3. Look under My Organisations to see if you're already a member of “Research Literacy Resources”
  4. If not, search Research Skills
  5. Then hover over the title code (O-RWR) and a drop-down arrow button will appear
  6. Click on this arrow and select enrol
  7. After this, it will show up in 'My Organisations' whenever you click 'Organisations'

More Information

For any questions, please contact Research Skills Officer.