How we support you

Researchers, regardless of where they start – either at the beginning of their candidature or as Early- or Mid-career or even those who are more established need research skills. Most don't begin with the knowledge they need. It's normal to develop and refine your writing and other research skills during your career.

The role of the Research Skills Officer is to provide support, through teaching, consultation, and resources.

Resources to support your research


Workshops are available throughout the year, and are designed for your learning and skills development.  Workshops are online so you can join from anywhere.  Take a look through the Researcher Training calendar to see what is coming up and to register.

Here are some of the regular workshops:

Graduate Research Candidates:Reading Skills:General Writing Skills:Writing with Purpose:Tools:
Managing your milestones

Reading Critically

Reading with purpose

Academic writing style

Analytical writing

Critical writing

Paraphrasing the literature

Writing more clearly parts 1-3

Email writing skills

How to write an abstract

Structuring and writing journal articles

Structuring your literature review parts 1-2

Writing a research proposal

Research data management: File organisation

Word for theses and other long documents parts 1-2

Research Skills Interact Site

For those that can’t access the workshops, or those who would like more activities to cement their skills, check out our interact site.

To access these resources and receive automatic emails about upcoming workshops:

  1. Login to Interact2
  2. Click on Organisations in the top menu
  3. Look under My Organisations to see if you're already a member of Research Skills
  4. If not, search Research Skills
  5. Then hover over the title code (O-RWR) and a drop-down arrow button will appear
  6. Click on this arrow and select enrol
  7. After this, it will show up in 'My Organisations' whenever you click 'Organisations'

Individual appointments

You can make an appointment to discuss your skills for your research candidature. Appointments can be by phone or online using Zoom or Teams.

Request Appointment

Research groups

Anyone who is a student or staff member can join. See our Research Groups page for more details.

More information

If you have any questions, please contact your friendly and helpful Research Skills Officer.