Data, methods and tools

Most research is based on the collection of a range of information from various sources in order to answer questions or test theories. Transforming this often disparate ‘raw’ information into useful and usable data usually requires a series of transformations, processes and analyses. Assistance with research data and methods is provided by these support units and services.


You can get help with your research methods through access to tools and specialised support units.


We provide various software and statistics tools to help you with your research.


MyResearch (also known as Research Master) is a complete research management system. It enables Charles Sturt to collect, store and manage a range of research management information for researchers, managers, administrators, higher degree research students and supervisors.

Data analysis software

A wide variety of software is available on all Charles Sturt Desktops and additional software is available via software download, through the Charles Sturt Computer Shop or SPAN.


Gathering data is a major aspect of most research. A questionnaire or survey is an important method of collecting information from people.

Data management

Good practice in Research Data Management (RDM) is a crucial part of maximising research investment and leveraging your research efforts. RDM includes but is not limited to data retention, accessibility, storage, and security.


Referencing management software may help you collect and organise and annotate references, and cite them in documents you write. There are a number of commonly used applications, such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero.

Statistics workshops and tools

The Quantitative Consulting Unit (QCU) runs statistics workshops and tutorials for various tools.

Specialised units

You can get specialised support for your research through the The Spatial Analysis Unit (SPAN) and the Quantitative Consulting Unit.