Current research

Our research projects aim to make a significant and lasting difference to our communities.

Cool Soil Initiative

Cool Soil Initiative

The Cool Soil Initiative supports farmers in exploring their practices to improve the health of their soil, increase their yield, and reduce on-farm greenhouse gas emissions.

Global Digital Farm

Global Digital Farm

The Global Digital Farm is an integrated digital learning, innovation and research environment working within a full scale, commercial, mixed farm operation.

Dung Beetle Ecosystem Engineers

Dung Beetle Ecosystem Engineers

The project is expanding the range of dung beetles in Australia and analysing their performance for livestock producers.

Ageing Well Research Group

Ageing Well Research Group

Our vision is to shape the ageing agenda through collaboration with health providers and health service professionals, local bodies and government agencies.

Research Fellows

Research Fellows

The Research Fellowships and Senior Research Fellowships are intended to boost research capacity within the University by supporting dedicated research time and providing additional research resources for a number of high-performing individuals.

Faculty of Arts and Education

Faculty of Arts and Education

We are committed to developing and supporting a vibrant research culture among our staff and students.

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

We seek to encourage applied research that will benefit the communities in our regions, as well as the communities that we serve nationally and internationally.

Faculty of Science and Health

Faculty of Science and Health

Our research spans human health, and biomedical, agricultural, food and wine, environmental, and animal and veterinary sciences.

 Extended Reality Collaborative (XRC)

Extended Reality Collaborative (XRC)

Extended Reality Collaborative (XRC) is a large-scale bid led by academics in the School of Information and Communications Studies that will enable internal and external research capacity in Virtual, Augmented, Mixed and Extended Reality.

Sturt Scheme Research Groups

Sturt Scheme Research Groups

The Scheme is designed to support new groups who have the potential to contribute positively to the University’s research performance, particularly in relation to Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) ratings.

Student retention

Student retention

The Retention Team is continually trying to understand how best to improve student outcomes, particularly those from structurally disadvantaged equity groups.