Funding and grants

Charles Sturt University strives for research excellence and partnership. We provide meaningful outcomes for industry, government, business, and communities. We seek to make an impact on a regional, national and global level by contributing to the economic, social and environmental sustainability and well-being of these communities.


Research at Charles Sturt is being affected in various ways by the COVID 19 impact. The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies will be providing relevant information and updates relevant to the University Research Community.

  • Affected Projects

    Many Charles Sturt researchers will have funded projects affected by the COVID-19 restrictions including travel, access to facilities, and group gatherings.    These restrictions may impact research team’s ability to deliver on contractual obligations and meet milestones.

    The Research Office recommends the following actions in relation to managing and preparing for project delays associated with COVID-19:

    • Conduct research meetings online or via videoconference in lieu of face-to-face travel, take note of University and local Government guidelines on gatherings and events to ensure you are aware of these requirements;
    • Discuss with your research team a contingency plan and potential revisions to milestone schedules to ensure project continuity, where possible, or continuation of project deliverables once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.
    • Make a 3 day, 2 week, 1, 3, 6 and 12 month plan. We assume we will be business as usual by end of 2020, but please factor long term planning into your current processes.
    • Consult your funding body contact after you have undertaken your contingency planning process, discuss with them potential options around project continuity and seek their advice and input.
    • Prepare to document your progress to date/future plans as part of any upcoming progress reporting that is due in the immediate future.

    If you are having trouble determining what to do we suggest setting up a  meeting with your Associate Dean Research or Research Centre Director to discuss what progress can still occur during the COVID-19 situation.   The Research Office will also need to be aware of any arrangements made via email directly with funding bodies to alter milestones/deliverables that are part of contracted arrangements.  The Research Office will then liaise with the funding body to determine what they require to formally alter any research agreements to reflect these negotiated changes.

Find a funding opportunity

As a Charles Sturt University researcher, you can access funding opportunities through various sources.

Applying for and managing a grant

Before you apply for a grant, read the information in this section and follow the steps provided.

ARC and NHMRC annual rounds

Find out about the process to submit Australian Research Council (ARC) or National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) applications.

Grant Development Resources and Support

The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies provides grant writing support to assist in the development of high-quality external research funding applications.

Information for Grant Applications

Charles Sturt University organisational information for grant applications

News and updates

There are a number of sources for national and international research news. Charles Sturt University also subscribes to Research Professional News Service and the Conversation. Explore the links below to access Research Specific news information.

Campus News captures the latest stories locally and around the world on current research undertakings and research breakthroughs.

Pivot-RP is a comprehensive online database of funding opportunities from Australia and around the world. It provides researchers with quick and easy access to the right research opportunities, funding and collaborations. All Charles Sturt researchers can access Pivot-RP by using their Charles Sturt University login and password.

The Conversation - Academic rigour, journalistic flair.

Universities Australia - the voice of Australia's Universities.

National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA) NISA is an Australian Government initiative building a framework for Australian innovation policy and boosting innovation and science in key areas.

ARMS - The Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) is the professional society for research managers and administrators working throughout Australasia and Singapore. Since its founding in 1999, the ARMS network has grown to involve more than 2700 members from universities, research agencies and institutes, medical research institutes, R&D corporations, research centres, government departments, funding bodies, industrial R&D teams, service providers, commercialisation bodies and consultancies.