Our people

DVC (Research)

Professor Mark Evans (FIPPA, PhD) took up the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at Charles Sturt University on 4 January 2022.

Mark is a member of the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank and EU and UN expert networks and a member of the editorial board of the Global Academy. He was awarded an honorary fellowship of the Institute of Public Administration Australia in 2021. He holds honorary professorships with the universities of Gadjah Mahda, Renmin, York and Hull.


PVC (Research and Innovation)

Professor Michael Friend was appointed to the position of PVC, (Research and Innovation) in May 2019 following a secondment in this position since October 2018 and after also briefly serving in this role between July-September 2017. Michael has extensive international experience, having undertaken research in the UK and USA, and collaborated with researchers and educators from across the globe.  Michael is passionate about strengthening the University’s existing partnerships in education and research, and developing new partnerships.

Dean, Graduate Research

Professor Sarah O’Shea is an award-winning educator, internationally recognised researcher and equity expert in higher education settings.

Director, Research Services

Professor Jason White has over 20 years of experience in research at a number of different universities and institutes. He joined Charles Sturt University as Director, Research Services in June 2018.

Staff, Office of Research Services

View our staff within the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies and email them directly.

Sub-Deans Graduate Studies

Our Sub-Deans Graduate Studies represent our three faculties at Charles Sturt University. Find out more about their history and responsibilities.

Associate Deans (Research)

Our Associate Deans are responsible for working with the Directors of Research Centres, Research Groups, and School Committees to enhance research culture, grant applications, and research outputs.


The Research Committee is a sub-committee of Academic Senate and provides advice and recommendations in relation to research and research training at Charles Sturt University.