Our strategy

Charles Sturt University strives for research excellence and partnership. We provide meaningful outcomes for industry, government, business, and communities. We seek to make an impact on a regional, national and global level by contributing to the economic, social and environmental sustainability and well-being of these communities.

Resilient people

  • Learning & curriculum development
  • Access & equity in education
  • Biomedical discovery
  • Health, well being & human behaviours
  • Indigenous health & education

This sphere covers research that contributes to the development of educated, healthy, resilient people.

Flourishing communities

  • Social frameworks
  • Law, justice & security
  • Religious enquiry, identity & ethics
  • Business & economics
  • Indigenous self-determination

This sphere covers research that contributes to developing communities that will be thriving economically, with strong social frameworks, and where diversity and harmony reside.

Sustainable environments

  • Agribusiness & agriculture
  • Food & water security
  • Animal health
  • Biodiversity & socio-ecological systems
  • Indigenous knowledges and connection to Country

This sphere covers research that contributes to the development of sustainable solutions in agriculture and water resources while enhancing the biodiversity of our environments and strengthening ecosystems.

Governance and committees

Our research is governed and led through various roles and committees.

Find out more about our governance

Research spheres

We conduct our research under 3 spheres (resilient people, flourishing communities and sustainable environments encircled by the Charles Sturt University values of impactful, inclusive, insightful and inspiring) and across multiple disciplines, following our ethos of creating a world worth living in.

Infographic: Three circles labelled Resilient  People; Sustainable Environments and Flourishing Communities overlap with Create a world worth living in at the centre.

Connections between our research spheres

The spheres overlap due to due to the interdisciplinary nature of our research. There is deliberate interaction across the 3 spheres through collaboration innovation, and co-investment.

Our research is performed in a broader context and we undertake our research in line with our values. Our research is:

  • Innovative and Impactful
  • Inspiring for Partners
  • Insightful Global Citizens
  • Inclusive and Collaborative

Alignment to the Charles Sturt University Strategy

Our Research Narrative is aligned with the University 2017-2022 Strategy in delivering impactful, solution-driven research that reflects our existing areas of strength and tackles new challenges.

Our Narrative is also important for how we approach recruitment at Charles Sturt University. It will drive research investment decisions, research staff recruitment activities, and HDR recruitment and scholarship support.