Policies and procedures

A number of university policies govern the management of research. You can access the policies at the University Policy Library. Everyone involved with research at Charles Sturt from time to time needs to refer to the relevant policies. Interpreting Policies can be complex. The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies can assist with understanding relevant polices and how they are applied.

Polices relating to research informs how we conduct research. It helps with questions like who can approve aspects of the research process, management of intellectual property, management of data and matters of authorship. The Policy Library makes policy accessible to us to refer to when required. Policy is not always straightforward to interpret and the research office can provide support when understanding policy and how it applies to our research.

Code of conduct - research

The code of conduct for research at Charles Sturt is determined by the Australian code for the responsible conduct of research issued by the National Health and Medical Research Council. For all staff and students who are conducting research is it essential to be familiar with this code.

Intellectual property

The policy clarifies the management of intellectual property developed by both staff and students at Charles Sturt. It is important for all researchers to understand the ownership and licensing of intellectual policy, particularly research funded by external partners.

Outside Professional Activities Policy (OPA)

The majority of funded research activities come under the OPA policy. If your activity meets the definition of research then applications are submitted and managed by the research office.

Delegations and authorisations

You can identify who in the university who can approve various research matters by referring to the delegations and authorisations policy. Delegation Schedule 15 - Research Delegations is important and will assist you in understanding research approvals.

Research data management

The research data management policy provides a framework to assist researchers promote open enquiry and debate, complement research outputs and publications, and provide transparency in research.

Research authorship

How we determine and record authorship of research outputs is not always straight forward. This policy provides a framework and guidance on clearly attributing authorship in a fair and equitable way. Disputes do occur and while the policy works to minimise disputes steps on resolving issues are explained.

Research misconduct

Policies work to ensure that our research conforms to the research code of conduct. When there are suspected breaches of the code the university is needs to act swiftly. This policy informs what is misconduct and how breaches of the code are managed.

Ethics and compliance

We have a number of policies and committees that govern the ethics and compliance of research and teaching. This includes both human and animal ethics. The ethics and compliance unit implements and managers relevant polices and committees.

Charles Sturt University Research Output (CRO) - Open Access Mandate

Open access outputs in CRO increase the visibility of your research. CRO uses the green open access model which does not require extra payment. Articles are deposited in CRO and if the publisher allows then the appropriate version of the full paper is made publicly available.

Charles Sturt University Research Output (CRO) - Copyright

Many publishers don't allow published versions of papers to be displayed in an institutional repository, unless they are an open access publisher. There are a number of options to retain copyright of your work and allow display of your pre-published outputs on CRO.