
The CRO Guidelines cover:

  • open access requirements
  • who can add items into CRO
  • what should be added to CRO
  • responsibilities

Open access in Charles Sturt Research Output (CRO) Repository

The benefit of having open access outputs in CRO is that it increases the visibility of research which may increase impact and citation rates.

CRO provides Charles Sturt researchers with the green open access model which does not require extra payment for open access to the material. Articles are deposited in CRO and if the publisher allows then the appropriate version of the full paper is made publicly available.

Open Access Requirements

All refereed, revised and final draft research manuscripts should be deposited in CRO immediately after being accepted for publication. Such manuscripts will be made Open Access via CRO, except where this is restricted by a publisher's policy. Books may be self-archived at the author's discretion.

For Australian Research Council (ARC) funded research, the following Open Access Policy applies:

"Any Research Output arising from ARC Funded Research must be made Openly Accessible within a twelve (12) month period from the Publication Date. In cases where this requirement cannot be met for any reason, including legal or contractual obligations, Final Reports must provide reasons why Research Outputs derived from ARC Funded Research have not been made Openly Accessible within a twelve (12) month period.

In all cases, Research Output Metadata must be made available to the public in an Institutional Repository as soon as possible but no later than three (3) months from the date of Publication. Metadata must include the ARC Project ID, list the ARC as a funding source and contain a DOI or link to the Research Output."

Eligible depositors

All Charles Sturt Staff and students are eligible to deposit items in CRO.

Material for inclusion in CRO

The full text of any publication which is submitted into CRO.

This includes:

  • Journal articles
  • Conference papers
  • Book chapters (if allowed by publisher)
  • Monographs and books (citation and abstract only)
  • Digitised versions of creative works that meet the Creative Works Register Criteria
  • Published research reports
  • Products of research based projects
  • Reports to government
  • Higher degree research theses

Acceptable versions

The commonly acceptable version of the document to be included for open access retrieval via CRO is the final accepted, post peer-reviewed and pre-publication manuscript.

The file can be formatted as the author wishes but it must not have any publisher mark-up. If permission is granted for the published version of the paper to be open access the appropriate version will be available through CRO.



  • Be familiar with the latest version of the Charles Sturt University Intellectual Property Policy.
  • Ensure an electronic copy of the final accepted draft (after peer review, before layout adjustments by publisher) is retained for submission to the repository.
  • Authors when signing a publishing agreement are encouraged to specify that their information can be available on open access repositories.
  • Warrant that to the best of their knowledge and belief that the material deposited is the original work of the submitter and does not infringe upon someone else's copyright
  • The author grants to the repository the non-exclusive right to reproduce, adapt, publish, electronically communicate and distribute the material for the purpose of making the material available to end-users in the digital repository.
  • Where the material has been sponsored by another organisation (e.g. a funding body), the author warrants that they have fulfilled any obligations required under the agreement with the sponsor about the use of the material.
  • Notify the Repository Administrator if material is embargoed and the duration of embargo. Material affected by embargo will be locked in CRO until the embargo expires
  • Creative works depositors are responsible for providing the work in a digital format which can be stored and retrieved in an open access environment.

Repository Administrators

  • Create stable URLs for deposited items
  • Identify and abide by publisher policies regarding open access to articles via institutional repositories.
  • The repository may keep a copy of the material for security, back-up and preservation
  • The repository will provide examples of suggested clauses for authors to utilise when submitting research for publication to ensure that they retain the ability to publish in Institutional Repositories.

Quality Assurance

  • All submissions will be assessed for compliance before they are made available for open access.
  • Depositors can expect a delay between submission and open access availability in CRO.
  • Division of Library Services (DLS) is responsible for monitoring compliance with Copyright and publisher licences.
  • DLS is responsible for compliance of submissions with established metadata standards in CRO.
  • Where issues arise with compliance, CRO administrators will provide feedback to the depositor.