ARC and NHMRC annual rounds

ARC and NHMRC Intent to Submit Process

To maximise the success of applications to the Australian Research Council (ARC) and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), we have set up an annual Intent to Submit support and planning process.

The purpose of the Intent to Submit process is to gather details of intending applicants.

The Intent to Submit process is coordinated by the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies, in conjunction with the Associate Deans Research and Institute Academic Directors.

To better support and manage the submission of high quality applications and to improve potential success rates for Charles Sturt, you are requested to engage with this process regardless of which institution will lead the proposed project.

Why we work with you early

  • To provide you with quality grant development assistance
  • To provide you with timely administrative support and eligibility review
  • To ensure your application aligns with the research priorities of University Faculties and Research Institutes
  • To enhance the University's profile and reputation by submitting high quality competitive applications

Consider the advantages

By participating in the Intent to Submit process, you will have access to the available support processes and your application may be considered for strategic leverage funding.

You will also receive feedback on various aspects of your proposal. Note this may include identifying proposals that are not likely to meet eligibility requirements.


Due to the competitive nature of applications submitted to the ARC and NHMRC, there is a strong focus on the importance of track record and eligibility.

As lead investigator, you are responsible for conducting an initial check to ensure the proposed project, track record and stage of career meets eligibility requirements for the appropriate ARC or NHMRC scheme. You can check the scheme documentation at:

If you have any difficulty in determining your eligibility, please contact the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies for advice.

Lodge an Intent to Submit Form and supporting documents

As part of the Intent to Submit process, you’ll need to lodge an Intent to Submit form along with the following supporting documents:

  • A draft ROPE statement or CV for all project personnel
  • A proposed project outline (maximum 5 pages) which includes:
    • Project Title
    • FOR & SEO Codes (maximum of three each)
    • Brief description on how your research to date has led to a substantial advance in knowledge or significant change/impact in your research field
    • Plain English project summary (maximum 200 words) describing: (1) project aims; (2) significance; (3) expected outcomes; and (4) benefits.

To lodge your Intent to Submit Form and supporting documents, please email them to

Process timeline

As a Charles Sturt University researcher, we recommend that you engage with this process to ensure your application receives the appropriate approvals and support prior to submission. Below is an outline of the Intent to Submit process.

As different ARC and NHMRC Schemes have different deadlines, the dates for Intent to Submit processes will be advertised through What’s New and other communications.



Confirm your eligibility to apply for the specific ARC or NHMRC Scheme.

Please ensure that you are fully aware of all Scheme-specific grant guidelines (and any other relevant documents) and that you are eligible to apply.

If you are unsure of your eligibility (or maintaining eligibility during grant development), please discuss this with your Associate Dean Research, Institute Academic Director or the Grant Development Team at

Lodge an Intent to Submit Form and supporting documents to the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies.

If you are planning on applying for an ARC or NHMRC Scheme, lodge an Intent to Submit Form and supporting documents to the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies. This includes applications which are led by CSU as well as those led by other institutions where you are a named investigator.

Intent to Submit forms and supporting documents should be submitted to the Grant Development Team at

Intent to Submit CSU-led applications will be reviewed.

Information will be provided to the relevant Associate Dean Research or Institute Academic Director.

The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies will arrange the review of all Intent to Submit CSU-led applications and provide feedback to applicants. Grant support and advice will be offered and individualised according to needs of the application.

The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies will also collate all information received and provide each Faculty Associate Dean Research or Institute Academic Director with a list of intending applicants.

Attend an ARC/NHMRC information session.

Scheme specific information sessions for ARC and/or NHMRC applicants may be scheduled.

Information regarding these sessions will be advertised on What’s New.

Discuss your application with your ADR or Institute Academic Director

Your Associate Dean Research or Institute Academic Director may be able to provide strategic advice and guidance to applicants through discussions and coordination of possible peer mentoring processes.

If you are seeking University leverage funding to support your proposal, you should first discuss possible funding support with your Associate Dean Research or Institute Academic Director.

If you are involved in a CSU-led ARC or NHMRC Scheme application, you may be eligible to participate in the Grant Readership Program.

The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies will coordinate a Grant Readership Program for fully developed CSU-led applications.

This will involve feedback on your draft application and a final proof/edit prior to submission. The timing of feedback will differ depending on the relevant Scheme and will be negotiated with you.

Obtain delegated approval to submit your application.

A final completed application should be submitted through the Research Project Request (RPR) Form no later than 10 days prior to the external closing date.

The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies will provide a final review of your application against eligibility, compliance and quality.

The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies will then seek final DVC-R approval to submit each application to the ARC/NHMRC.

Late applications

If your involvement in a University research-led application becomes evident outside these timelines, you should advise the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies via email as soon as possible after the commitment to become involved is known.

The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies will liaise with the relevant Faculty and Centre, and DVC-R, for approval to proceed.

Australian Research Council Scheme Deadlines

You can access the full grant calendar for all ARC funded schemes to obtain information on:

  • Release of Grant Guidelines
  • Application Opening Dates
  • Request Not to Assess Closing Dates
  • Applications Closing Dates
  • Rejoinder Dates
  • Anticipated announcement Dates

National Health and Medical Research Council Scheme Deadlines

You can access the full grant calendar for all NHMRC funded schemes to obtain information on:

  • Application opening dates
  • Minimum Data due
  • Application closing dates
  • Proposed Peer Review dates

Please submit a completed application draft in Sapphire 10 days prior to the NHMRC application closing date.

Important to note

During this Intent to Submit process, and until the external scheme closing date, the DVC-R reserves the right to withdraw ineligible or uncompetitive applications to protect the University's reputation and submission quality.

Further help

For further information or assistance please contact the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies on 02 6933 2578 or