
Referencing management software may help you collect and organise and annotate references, and cite them in documents you write. There are a number of commonly used applications, such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero.


EndNote can help you manage the literature that you discover in the course of your research. It enables you to to insert citations into documents and produces reference lists in a range of styles.  It can be used to manage your references, store and annotate attached PDF files, add citations and generate a reference list in Microsoft Word.

Endnote software can be downloaded from the install software desktop icon or the DIT website.


Mendeley is a free application and academic social network service with up to 2 GB of storage for PDF files, that can be used to collect, organise, share and cite references. Requires use of a free desktop application to cite references in Microsoft Word.


Zotero is a free, Open Source application with up to 300 MB of storage for PDF files, images etc., that can be used to collect, organise and cite references.

Extra storage requires a subscription.

Charles Sturt does not provide Zotero support or access to a paid subscription.