Session Catalogue

Summary of available Researcher Development sessions.

Many of these are scheduled throughout the year on the training calendar.  If you see a session below that you are interested in, but can't find it scheduled on the calendar, please email and we can advise when it may be scheduled, or if there is a recording available of a previous session.

  • Academic Speaking Style (for students working with an additional language)
  • Academic Writing Style (for students working with an additional language)
  • Accessing ABS Data and other important Datasets
  • Animations and Graphics for Researchers
  • Audit Your Time
  • Australian Resources: How to find them
  • Avoiding predatory publishers
  • Basics of Thesis Structure
  • Conducting Interviews - Logic and Logistics
  • Creating an ORCiD profile and linking your CRO profile
  • Critical Writing
  • Critical Writing about Literature
  • Data Visualisation
  • Developing the researcher ‘voice’ in your writing
  • Easy Blogging for Researchers
  • Email writing (for students working with an additional language)
  • EndNote for Mac
  • EndNote for Windows
  • Ethics in Research involving Animals
  • Ethics in Research involving Human Participants
  • Exploring Research Methods using Sage Research Methods Online
  • Finding and Using Theses and Dissertations
  • Finding Funding
  • Finding Funding Opportunities using Research Professional database
  • Focus Group Interviews
  • Fulbright Scholarship Program Information Sessions
  • Getting the feedback you need
  • Grants Workshop (Part 1): Becoming grant-ready: before you apply
  • Grants Workshop (Part 2): Writing a winning proposal – and what comes next
  • HDR Candidate Induction
  • How and why researchers should join a writing group
  • How to Plan your PhD
  • Human Research Ethics CafĂ©
  • Intellectual Property
  • Introduction to CRO and linking your ORCiD profile
  • Introduction to GIS & Spatial Analysis
  • Introduction to learning Bayesian Networks
  • Introduction to Systematic Reviews
  • Literature Review Using EndNote & NVivo – An Introduction
  • MCR Forum - Building international connections through fellowships and SSP
  • MCR Forum - Ethical considerations in international research projects
  • MCR Forum - Lessons learnt in IP and contract negotiation with research partners
  • MCR Forum - Opportunities for industry-led collaborations with a CRC
  • MCR Forum - Research with impact: Experiences putting trans-disciplinarity into practice
  • MCR Forum - Writing for Public Audiences
  • Measuring and Evaluating Research Impact
  • Meet the Helpers - Research Support Services
  • The Strategic Researcher program, Module 1 – Introduction, research landscape, priority and time management
  • The Strategic Researcher program, Module 2 – Developing research strategies
  • The Strategic Researcher program, Module 3 – Building a track record, web presence
  • The Strategic Researcher program, Module 4 – The publication process T
  • The Strategic Researcher program, Module 5 – Funding, Grant writing
  • The Strategic Researcher program, Module 6 – Working with collaborators
  • NVivo
  • Overcoming Procrastination
  • Planning Surveys and Designing Questionnaires
  • Presenting your Research with Confidence
  • Presenting Your Work at a Conference: The Basics
  • Promoting your research: Establishing a Research Profile
  • Proofreading & Grammar (for students working with an additional language)
  • Publishing from Your Thesis
  • Qualitative Research, An Introduction
  • R Tutorial Series 1 - Introduction and overview of R for data analysis
  • R Tutorial Series 2 - Hypothesis test and simple regression/ANOVA models
  • R Tutorial Series 3 - More hypothesis tests and advanced regression models
  • R Tutorial Series 4 - More advanced regression models (mixed-effect models, glm and gam)
  • R Tutorial Series 5 - Drawing graphs and maps in R P
  • R Tutorial Series 6 - Write your own R functions T
  • R Tutorial Series 7 - Time series analysis
  • R Tutorial Series 8 - Tree models
  • R Tutorial Series 9 - Meta-analysis and inter-rater reliability analysis
  • R Tutorial Series 10 - Survival analysis
  • Reading the Literature Critically
  • Research Data Management
  • Research Impact
  • Research Impact and Knowledge Brokering, Exchange, Translation and Mobilisation – A Brief Introduction
  • Research metrics for grants and promotion
  • Research Supervision - Masterclass
  • Social Media Platforms for Researchers
  • Spending Your Research Funds
  • Staying up to Date with Research Alerts
  • Structuring a Literature Review
  • Supervisor Series - Module 1 – Introduction, overview and first session of enrolment
  • Supervisor Series - Module 2 – Supervising remote, distance and PT HDR's
  • Supervisor Series - Module 3 – Monitoring progress throughout candidature
  • Supervisor Series - Module 4 – Managing problems and difficulties, providing feedback
  • Supervisor Series - Module 5 – Guiding students through thesis development and the examination process
  • Supportive Conversations for HDR Supervisors
  • Survive your Research Degree
  • Systematic Literature Reviews
  • Three Minute Thesis Preparation Workshop
  • Tips and strategies for doing a PhD in English
  • Understanding Open Access
  • Using Citation Databases
  • Using EndNote for theses and other publications
  • Using library databases effectively: getting better search results
  • Using NVivo for Qualitative Literature Reviews
  • Using the Proquest databases effectively
  • Weathering Comments on your Writing
  • What's new in CRO
  • Where to publish
  • Why Experience Matters: Cultivating Mindfulness of the Research Process
  • Working with the Media in Research
  • Writing a Research Proposal
  • Writing Academic Job Applications
  • Writing clinic: Blockages in your writing processes
  • Writing for Public Audiences
  • Writing More Clearly