The Post Graduate Student Association (PGSA) is an affiliated SRC Online Club which began in 2021. We aim to provide a range of social and academic activities to help students connect and feel a sense of belonging and community. We also provide student representation on a range of university committees and boards and to the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations. We are primarily focused on HDR students but welcome other post-grads and also Honours students.

  • Memberships & Committee

    Membership is per year and free!

    Become a member  Post Graduate Student Association

    If you have any questions or would like to get more involved, please get in touch with us at or any Member directly.

    PGSA Committee

    The 2023 Members of the Committee are:

    Our committee meets online on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 12.30-1.30 AEST and we welcome all members to attend.

  • Upcoming Meetings

    All Members Planning Meeting

    Our next monthly meeting is on Thursday 14 September 12.30-1.30 pm, and we invite all our members to attend. This will be a planning meeting dedicated to discussions about our goals and priorities for 2024 and we would love to have your ideas and suggestions.

    Zoom link to save into your calendars.

    Annual General Meeting

    Our AGM will be held on Thursday 12 October 12.30-1.30 pm. The meeting will begin with a guest speaker (to be confirmed).

    Zoom link to save into your calendars.

    This will be followed by the formal business of the meeting.

    We will have a number of places available on the Executive Committee in 2024 as several of our current committee will be graduating. We would be very keen to hear from anyone who might be interested in nominating. We meet monthly online, and it is a fun, rewarding and not very onerous role. Email us for more information -

  • Lunchtime Research Raves

    The PGSA, together with the Research Development Team facilitate Lunchtime Research Raves (LRR). Every meeting is different, but each is designed to connect, inspire and grow.

    At a recent Research Rave, we were incredibly lucky to have Gail Fuller, John Xie, and Deanna Duffy talk to us about the Spatial Data Analysis Network (SPAN). SPAN expanded on the various services they can assist students with in regards to the provision, analysis and visualisation of data. See the website for more information: Home - Spatial Data Analysis Network ( and Quantitative Consulting Unit - Research ( for the Quantitative Consulting Unit.

    Another recent Research Rave we heard from Sandra Sharpham, Caroline Golden, and Tracey Oates with information about the Student Services Amenities Fee (SSAF) that is being introduced for research students from 2024. Discussion included identifying the benefits of paying SSAF for HDR students and the ability to have a SSAF representative on the PGSA. You can find more information at Student services amenities fee (SSAF) - Current Students ( including how to submit your own proposal.

    Coming up, HDRs share their research.

    At our August and September LRR, we will be featuring the research of our HDR candidates. We welcome everyone to join in or just hear about others research, where they are up, their experiences, wins and challenges and opportunities. These are a great opportunity to connect and be inspired, and to ask questions. If you want to share your own research, this is a perfect place to get some practice about talking or presenting your research. Sharing with others is a great away to build your confidence and it always inspires others.

    If you would like to share your research at either of these please email us at

    You will find the link to join all our LRRs in the research training calendar (

  • Coming up...

    For HDR Candidates

    Campus coffee catchups

    Following our successful campus lunches at Wagga and Bathurst we are going to hold regular monthly catchups on the first Friday of the month at 11.00 am at the following campus venues. We will be adding more campuses overtime so if you are in Orange, Dubbo, Port Macquarie or Canberra and are keen to meet, let us know and we’ll organise a catchup on your campus too.

    When: 1st Friday each month at 11 am

    Where: Bathurst at Cheers (in front of Library).  Albury at Gums. Wagga at Cheers on the Deck.

    Who: All HDRs are most welcome

    What: Come along and meet fellow HDR students on your campus.

  • PGSA Newsletters

    We produce a bi-monthy newsletter.

    View and Subscribe

    If you have any news items or accomplishments you would like to add to the newsletter, please email