Editing Services

A free manuscript editing service is available for CSU academic staff from all faculties. The service aims to improve the quality of papers targeting high quality journals to improve the acceptance rate.

For HDR candidates

Charles Sturt University does not provide an editing service for HDR candidates.

HDR candidates may employ a professional editor to edit for format, grammar and style with agreement from their supervisor. If you use an editor, the thesis must include a statement of Professional editorial assistance in the front matter. The editor must not alter or improve the substantive content or conceptual organisation of the thesis (see also Higher Degree by Research Procedure).

Find an editor

The Institute of Professional Editors has an Editors’ Directory where professional members list their services. HDR candidates can search the directory for editors with expertise in subjects you are researching. It also enables you to search for editors who have experience working with authors from non-English speaking backgrounds. HDR candidates can then contact the editor and decide after a discussion with your supervisor if you would be comfortable working with that editor.

For Staff

The editing service improves the readability, flow and structure of manuscripts. The editor proofreads and edits the content of papers before they are submitted to the target journal.

Apply here for the editing service

  • About

    The editor is not a domain expert. Therefore, manuscripts submitted for editing must be carefully written and are expected to be academically acceptable for submission to the targeted journal to reduce any potential misunderstanding by the editor.

    Please make use of the service if you are planning to submit a journal paper or are working on any other publication, such as a book chapter or book.

  • Criteria for accessing the editing service

    The service is available to academic staff at Charles Sturt University.

    • Available for all faculties (Arts & Education, Business, Justice & Behavioural Sciences, and Science & Health).
    • The manuscript must be in an editable format, preferably Microsoft Word. For staff who use LaTex, please provide an unformatted Word version of your manuscript.
    • The manuscript must target Q1 or Q2 journals (under the JCR and SJR systems), or A*, A or B journals (under the ABDC system).
    • The service will not be available for poorly prepared manuscripts.

    Staff are encouraged to notify the Research Editor when the manuscript has been submitted to the journal and later provide an update on whether the paper is accepted, accepted with revisions, or rejected. When a manuscript is accepted, it is the responsibility of the author to update the Charles Sturt University Research Output (CRO) database.

  • Contact

    For any questions or more information about the editing service, please contact researcherdevelopment@csu.edu.au.

  • Testimonials

    Thank you so much…I expected you to write me comments on how to improve, and you’ve done the improvements – I’m incredibly grateful! (FoAE academic)

    Thanks…this is really helpful to have your input before submission. Much appreciated. (FoBJBS academic)

    I really appreciate all your help and the high quality of the work you do...You always do a great job. (FoSH academic)

    I just wanted to thank you for editing and improving the quality of the paper. This only happened because you were so patient with us making suggestions and comments. Thank you very much for your dedication and on time delivery. (FoBJBS academic)

    Thanks for the edits. All were clear and I appreciate them being picked up (FoSH academic)

    Thank you so much for [your] editing. Please extend my thanks to Charles Sturt admin for providing such service. You did very professionally. (FoAE academic)

  • FAQS

    Who is the Research Editor?

    Mark Filmer is the Research Editor. He is based in Orange. Mark has a background in print journalism and spent many years working as a sub-editor for various newspapers and magazines. He is a professional member of the Institute of Professional Editors and is a published author (see New book examines 1980s ‘wide comb’ shearers’ dispute - CSU News).

    How does the editing service work?

    To access to the service, complete the application form and attach a copy of your draft manuscript. Details of the targeted journal need to be included on the application form so the journal’s submission requirements (e.g., word count, citation/referencing style, preferred spelling) can be checked before the proofreading and editing process takes place.

    What happens to my document?

    All documents are edited by the Research Editor.

    • Each document is edited in Microsoft Word using track changes
    • What is checked?
    • Spelling, grammar, and punctuation
    • Word use consistency (e.g., focused/focussed & hyphenations such as well-being/wellbeing)
    • Sentence tenses to make sure they are consistent
    • Consistency in heading structures
    • Citations to ensure they match the journal style, are included in the end list of References and quoted page numbers match the corresponding reference’s page range
    • References to make sure they are cited in the main text and the reference details are correct (using Google Scholar or other databases)
    • Often the text is edited to make it more concise or punchy, for example:
    • has the ability to/has the capacity to/is capable of/is able to → can
    • due to the fact that → because
    • figure out the identity of → identify
    • take in account → consider
    • Mistakes are corrected and can be seen via track changes
    • Suggestions on how to improve the text are sometimes included as comments via track changes
    • If a significant change is made (or suggested), an explanation is offered via track changes

    What does not happen?

    The Research Editor is not a subject expert, so cannot check the accuracy of any technical details included in your paper. Sentences/paragraphs are not rewritten or changed just for the sake of changing them. The Research Editor does not cut large chunks of text, although occasionally sections that could be cut to reduce the word count are highlighted.

    How long will it take?

    The turnaround time varies depending on the Research Editor’s workload. As a rule, you should allow at least 2 weeks for the edited version to be returned.

    Can I submit an early draft?

    Manuscripts accepted for editing must be ready for submission pending a final check. Most edits by the Research Editor are usually relatively minor and are done to improve the readability, flow, or structure of the text.

    Can I submit other material?

    The editing service accepts other material, including complete book manuscripts, book chapters, editorials, letters to editors of journals, submissions to parliamentary inquiries, and consultancy reports. Check about other documents you need edited by emailing researcherdevelopment@csu.edu.au.