Cloud and supercomputing

We provide various software and systems to help you with your research. This includes general systems such as MyResearch and specialist software to help you analyse data.


Charles Sturt University is a member of Intersect, a not-for-profit organisation set up to support research in Australia. Intersect extends the technology services of the university and provides services such as:

  • High Performance Computing (HPC) on 'Raijin'
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Storage
  • Consultation and advice
  • Training
  • Software engineering
  • Data as a service

You can access these services by logging into Intersect.

Login to Intersect

High Performance Computing

Intersect provides access and technical support to the National Computing Institute's high performance computing facility called 'Raijin'.

Raijin specifications are:

  • 2395 x 32 GB nodes
  • 1125 x 64 GB nodes
  • 608 x 128 GB nodes
  • 32 x 192 GB nodes (KNL)
  • 268 x 256 GB nodes
  • 10 x 1 TB nodes
  • 30 x NVIDIA K80 GPU nodes

Charles Sturt University Research Computer System

Charles Sturt's Spatial Data Analysis Network (SPAN) can provide access to an interactive high performance computer for research. The specifications of this system are:

  • Four x Twelve Core processors
  • 1 TB of RAM
  • RAID storage array capacity of 45 TB
  • Nightly tape backup

Contact SPAN

Cloud computing

Intersect is the NSW node for Nectar cloud computing infrastructure. The sizes for the virtual machines range from:

  • Small: 1 CPU, 4GB memory, 30GB ephemeral disk, 10GB system disk
  • Medium: 2 CPUs, 8GB memory, 60GB ephemeral disk, 10GB system disk
  • Large: 4 CPUs, 16GB memory, 120GB ephemeral disk, 10GB system disk
  • XLarge: 8 CPUs, 32GB memory, 240GB ephemeral disk, 10GB system disk
  • XXLarge: 16 CPUs, 64GB memory, 480GB ephemeral disk, 10GB system disk

Nectar allows researchers to easily start virtual machines with a wide range of pre-built images, from bare Linux operating systems, to specialised images for genomics, characterisation and web-based content management. Little experience is required with using Nectar, however Intersect does provide technical support should you require it.

Charles Sturt and its researchers receive a 20% discount on storage.

Cloud storage

A large scale, high performance, collaborative and cost effective digital storage. The data centre is highly secure, located in Sydney and backed up in multiple copies. "Space" comes in types of storage offerings, suited to the range of needs of researchers.

Charles Sturt and its researchers receive a 20% discount on storage.

Consultation and advice

Specialists can provide advice and support to researchers in applying digital methods and tools to research. Intersect's staff also work with universities to help set appropriate institutional policies and establish researcher-focused business workflows.


Intersect can provide on-line data management training as well as on-campus training on a host of applications, all centred around a research problem.

Software engineering

Our team of software engineers based in Sydney develop applications for a range of purposes in research.

Data as a Service

Intersect and other State-based eResearch organisations are driving a suite of national projects that help support the increasingly collaborative nature of Australian research. We provide research domain data platforms, services and expertise across a range of disciplines, including: Medical & Health; Life sciences and Omics; Image Publishing; and Culture and Community.

Access Intersect

You can access these services by

Login to Intersect