IRT/Rasch Model Workshop

An IRT/ Rasch model workshop has been developed at Quantitative Consulting Unit and is now ready for delivery to researchers at Charles Sturt University.

This three-part workshop covers a range of related topics:

  • IRT/Rasch Model workshop using R (part I): preliminaries and introduction
    • Background information about Professor Georg Rasch and the Rasch model
    • Basic concepts of measurement and evaluation/test in education, health, and the social sciences
    • Basic usage of the most popular and free statistical software R for data analysis
    • Basic/related concepts in statistics
  • IRT/Rasch Model workshop using R (part II): Item Response Theory (IRT) and Rasch models
    • Classic Test Theory (CTT), the Guttman structure, and analysis of response
    • Item Response Theory (IRT) and Rasch models
      • Item difficulty, person ability, and Item Characteristic Curve (ICC)
      • The unidimensional IRT/Rasch models for dichotomous items
      • The unidimensional IRT/Rasch models for polytomous items
      • Multidimensional IRT/Rasch models
  • IRT/Rasch Model workshop using R (part III): applications and two special topics of IRT/Rasch models
    • IRT/Rasch models and equating
    • IRT/Rasch models and Differential Item Functioning (DIF)
    • Discussion on participants’ data and application of IRT/Rasch models

Fee-based workshop

This workshop is designed to meet the needs of those researchers whose research involves measurement and assessment/test of human performance and/or attitude.  The relevant research questions include:

  • What is the best way to measure a person’s response (e.g., in terms of achievement performance or attitude on a latent (construct) variable)?
  • How good is a test instrument (e.g., reliability, validity, goodness-of-fit to a fitted (e.g., an IRT or a Rasch) model)?

Therefore, researchers in education, health, and the social sciences disciplines are considered as the targeted potential participants. It is anticipated that this workshop would last for two days for participants who are familiar with statistical data analysis using R. An extra day may be needed for participants who do not have experience of using R.


Three-day workshop

  • Charles Sturt University students and staff, and DPI staff: $300 (including GST) per person.

The cost includes morning tea, a light lunch, and afternoon tea.

Two-day workshop

  • Charles Sturt University students and staff, and DPI staff: $200 (including GST) per person.

The cost includes morning tea, a light lunch, and afternoon tea.

Expressions of interest

Please send us your Expression of Interest: