RSC meeting dates

The RSC meets quarterly, at times set to coincide with teaching sessions and important reporting timelines.

The agenda for each meeting closes 10 working days (2 weeks) before each meeting. All applications received prior to the closing dates will be included on the Agenda for discussion by the Committee.

If you need an application reviewed before the Committee's next meeting, mark it as 'URGENT'. The Executive of the Committee can review the application and provide executive approval where required – however this can still take some time, so always allow as much time as possible before your research, teaching or procurement activities start (2 weeks minimum).

The Committee aims to provide written responses and/or approvals of applications within 10 working days of the meeting. If further information is required for a particular application, the Committee will get in touch with applicants as soon as possible.

You are welcome to email to check on the progress of your application, or call (02) 6338 4504 if you have any queries.

CSU Radiation Safety Committee meeting dates

Agenda Closes Meeting DateTimeVenue Responses Provided By
Wed 25 JanWed 8 Feb 9:30-12:30 VideoconferenceWed 22 Feb
Wed 10 MayWed 24 May 9:30-12:00 Videoconference Wed 7 Jun
Wed 26 JulWed 9 Aug1:30-4pm Videoconference Wed 23 Aug
Wed 1 NovWed 15 Nov 9:30-12:00Videoconference Wed 29 Nov
Agenda Closes Meeting DateTimeVenue Responses Provided By
Wed 7 FebWed 21 Feb 2024 9:30-12:30 Videoconference Wed 6 Mar
Wed 8 MayWed 22 May 2024 9:30-12:00 Videoconference Wed 5 Jun
Wed 7 AugWed 21 Aug 20249:30-12:00 Videoconference Wed 4 Sep
Wed 30 OctWed 13 Nov 2024 9:30-12:00 Videoconference Wed 27 Nov