Graduate Research Mentoring Program

The Charles Sturt University REACH Peer-2-Peer (P2P) Graduate Research mentoring program is designed improve your overall student experience, promote a feeling of belonging, and to create opportunities for you to engage with your fellow students. The program matches new and early-stage graduate research candidates with more experienced candidates in their second or third year in a 6-month mentorship.

  • About

    The Charles Sturt University REACH Peer-2-Peer (P2P) Graduate Research mentoring program is designed improve your overall student experience, promote a feeling of belonging, and to create opportunities for you to engage with your fellow students.

    The REACH P2P program aims to:

    • enhance the research quality, capability, and experience of all Graduate Research candidates by facilitating the flow of information;
    • where appropriate provide advice to meet the administrative, wellbeing and support needs of Graduate Research candidates; and,
    • support the development of social and professional networks by promoting and enabling opportunities for engagement.
  • For Mentees

    What is the mentoring arrangement?

    As a REACH P2P Mentee, you will typically be a Graduate Research candidate in the beginning or early stages of your Graduate Research program. Once you have been matched with a suitable Mentor, you should connect with them and work with them to plan meetings, set some goals or outcomes for the mentorship, and identify areas where they can best support you.

    The mentorship will be for a period of 6 months and is entirely voluntary. During this time, you would be expected to commit to meet fortnightly for 1 hour with your Mentor in accordance with your agreed goals and within the guidelines outlined in the program.

    Who can apply to become a REACH Mentee?

    Any Graduate Research candidate who has formally commenced their candidature can apply to become a REACH P2P Mentee. Every effort will be made to match all mentees with a suitable mentor, but this will be subject to numbers within the program at the time.

    How will being a REACH P2P Mentee benefit me?

    Mentoring Is a rewarding two-way process and as a mentee you will benefit in a number of ways from the program. It will:

    • help to overcome a sense of isolation and disconnectedness that can be experienced by Graduate Research candidates and promote a sense of belonging;
    • help you ‘to find your way’ and to normalise the experiences and challenges of the Graduate Research journey;
    • develop your confidence and improve the overall Graduate Research experience; and
    • help you to grow your own network with other Graduate Research candidates, faculty staff members, alumni, and industry.

    It is not intended that a mentor would provide you with specific academic or research guidance or advice. That is the role of your supervisory team and other academic and professional staff at the university.

  • For Mentors

      As a REACH P2P Mentor, you will typically be a Graduate Research candidate in the 2nd or 3rd year (FTE) of your program, or perhaps even close to or recently completed. The knowledge and experience you have gained is of great value and will help to smooth the path for those you mentor.

      As a Mentor your primary role will be to connect with your Mentee to help them to find their way and to normalise the experiences and challenges of the Graduate Research journey. Think about all of the things you wished someone had told you when you were starting out! It is not intended that Mentors provide specific academic or research guidance or advice. That is the role of the supervisory team and other academic and professional staff at the university.

      The mentorship will be for a period of 6 months and is entirely voluntary. During this time, you would be expected to commit to meet fortnightly for 1 hour to guide and support your Mentee in accordance with your agreed goals and within the guidelines outlined in the program.

      Who can apply to become a REACH Mentor?

      Any Graduate Research candidate who has completed their probation requirements and had their candidature confirmed can apply to become a REACH P2P Mentor. The number of Mentors needed for the initial pilot will depend on the number of Mentees registering for the program. If we are not able to match you in this first intake we would endeavour to do so in a future intake.

      How will being a REACH P2P Mentor benefit me?

      Mentoring is a rewarding two-way process and the transferable skills and experiences you will gain from mentoring will help develop confidence needed for your own research and working career. The ability to build interpersonal relationships, communication and leadership skills and community networks are key to any successful research career.

  • Time Commitment

    Submit an Expression of Interest            

    Submit your EOI online.

    Attend Orientation and Welcome

    To participate in the program, you will be required to attend an initial 1.5 hour online Onboarding and Welcome session at the commencement of the program.

    Mentorship Meetings

    The minimum ongoing time commitment is recommended to be 1-hour per fortnight for a period of 6 months. (approximately 12 hours total).

    Feedback and evaluation

    Mid-point Survey - 10 minutes

    Final Feedback Survey – 10 minutes

    Wrap-up and Review (online via Zoom) 1 hour

    How do I join the REACH program?

    To apply to join REACH P2P you should register and complete all of the profile information.

    If you are unable to commit to participate in this session but would be interested in future intakes, please complete the EOI and let us know your future availability.

  • Key Dates
    Expression of

    Session 1 Opens January
    Session 2 Opens July
    Submit your EOI online.

    Program CommencesSession 1 - March
    Session 2 - August
    Attend Orientation and WelcomeTo participate in the program, you will be required to undertake an initial online On-boarding and Welcome session in Week 1
    MentoringThe minimum ongoing time commitment is recommended to be 1-hour per fortnight for a period of 6 months. (approximately 12 hours total) commencing Week 2
    Mid-point ReviewWeek 12
    Wrap-up and Review.Week 24
    Final Feedback SurveyWeek 25
  • Contact

    For more information, questions, help and support, please contact Jennifer at