All Events Workshops

Date Session Details & Registration
1st Jul 2024 Research & Write! (live link)
Research & Write! occurs each week, Monday afternoons 1200-1500 and Friday mornings, 0930-1230 AEST.   Set aside some time to focus on your research.  This is a welcoming space where researchers can come together via teams to work on whatever needs your attention, whether it's writing, reading, or analysing. Groups like this are very effective to help you remain focused, and create a sense of community where you can connect with other researchers. If you would like a calendar invite please email  Hosted by: Arif Khan.
29th Jul 2024 Research Rave (live link)
Participate in our monthly lunchtime Research Rave, courtesy of the Post-Graduate Student Association and Researcher Development Team. Enjoy insightful presentations from Graduate Researchers and Research Service providers, sharing their experience and expertise. Bring your lunch, connect with peers, nurture growth, and draw inspiration as we rave about research. Join us for an enriching experience of connection and learning! (60mins, 1230-1330 AEST, fourth Monday of each month).
30th Jul 2024 Analytical Writing
Enhance your analytical writing skills in this workshop, where we'll explore the process of reviewing literature in the context of additional evidence. Analytical writing goes beyond mere summarization, revealing the cognitive steps taken to reach conclusions and delving into their implications. Learn to craft responses to questions such as 'Why?', 'How?', and 'So what?' by developing a keen analytical writing style. This session will focus on deciphering the key language features integral to evaluating arguments, forming reasoned judgments, and drawing conclusions essential for constructing robust results and conclusion chapters. Elevate your academic writing prowess by mastering the art of analytical writing, a skill crucial for demonstrating depth and critical thinking in your writing. 30/07/24, 1300-1430 AEST, 90 mins.  Presenter: Arif Khan.
1st Aug 2024 Research Bootcamp (live link)
Join our inclusive all-day research group, designed for those wanting to dedicate specific time to research in a supportive and motivating online environment. Participants find these sessions helpful for focusing, streamlining research work, establishing dedicated research time, creating a distraction-free practice, building a research community, and overcoming procrastination. Come for an hour or for the day. If you would like a reminding calendar invite please email  See you there.  (6 hours, 1000-1600 AEST) Hosted by: Arif Khan, online via teams.
1st Aug 2024 Building your professional brand on LinkedIn
Learn the simple strategies to get started on LinkedIn and unlock the platform's full potential. We’ll guide you on what to post to engage your audience effectively and why building an authentic, valuable network is crucial for your professional growth. Additionally, you'll learn how to establish yourself as a thought leader and expert in your field, positioning yourself for greater opportunities and recognition. Join us to enhance your LinkedIn presence. 1/08/24 60 mins, 1430-1530 AEST,  Presented by Fleur Horsley, Social Media Strategist.
6th Aug 2024 Writing a Research Proposal
The Research Proposal serves as a crucial roadmap, articulating the what, why, and how of your research endeavor. As the primary milestone for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students, it plays a pivotal role in persuading the research community of your grasp on scholarly inquiry and the viability of your project. This session zeros in on the purpose, structure, language, and writing techniques essential for crafting a compelling Research Proposal. By examining past proposals, we dissect their purpose and key components, providing valuable insights and strategies for structuring and articulating your own proposal. Join us to navigate this pivotal aspect of the research process, ensuring your proposal stands out as both comprehensive and feasible. 06/08/24, 90 mins, 1000-1130 AEST.  Presenter - Arif Khan.
6th Aug 2024 Ethics Café
Join the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) in enlightening sessions where they navigate you through the application process, dissect essential components of a research proposal, and address prevalent concerns and errors. This invaluable opportunity provides a deepened understanding of requirements and offers expert advice to minimize the chances of re-submission. Whether you're a novice or experienced researcher, these sessions are designed to empower you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the intricacies of ethics applications seamlessly. These sessions welcome Researchers, Academics, and students preparing to submit applications involving human ethics.  06/08/24, 60 mins, 1230-1330 AEST.   Presented by HREC.
7th Aug 2024 HDR Connect (live link)
Engage with fellow HDR students in HDR Connect—a virtual space to meet peers, discuss concerns, ask burning questions, celebrate achievements, or simply chat. Connecting with those on a similar journey fosters friendships, builds support networks, boosts confidence, and reinforces the understanding that you're not alone. It's a mutually beneficial experience that aids both you and others!  If you would like a calendar invite please email 60 mins, each Wednesday fortnight, 1800-1900 AEST, hosted by Jennifer Podesta.
8th Aug 2024 Supervisor Series, Module 3. Planning & conducting research
This module examines the issues of diversity and exclusivity in the context of research supervision and preparing candidates to make informed judgements to ensure successful research projects and timely completion. In advises on the advantages of employing a project management approach to research in order to support candidates to research ethically and with integrity and how to work with your candidate to predict and respond proactively to potential risks and support needs. The second part of this module addresses a number of common issues that supervisors might encounter during candidature and offers valuable advice about how to respond to those issues effectively. Issues discussed include aligning expectations, motivating candidates who are procrastinating, and dealing with plagiarism, among others. This unit also offers valuable advice about responding to candidates with mental health issues.  Supervisors will also need to complete an I2 self-study unit/s as part of the workshop. Please refer to for more information and how to access these. 08/08/24, 3 hours, 1000-1300 AEST. Presenter - Sarah O'Shea and Monique Shephard.
8th Aug 2024 Research Data Management - File Organisation
Delve into the fundamentals of Data Management with this workshop, covering organization (backups, version control, bibliography management), administration (security, privacy), and sharing (archiving, publishing) of data. Gain insights into the significance of managing big research data and why it's crucial. Explore best practices for data systems, file and folder naming, and varying complexities in versioning systems. This session aims to demystify Data Management, providing practical approaches to make it more approachable. Participants will leave with a heightened understanding of specific actions to enhance data management practices. Whether you're new to data management or seeking a refresher, this workshop is designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of handling research data effectively. 08/08/24, 90mins, 1400-1530 AEST.  Presenter - Arif Khan.
14th Aug 2024 How to survive your research degree
Research candidates often emphasize the significant challenges the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) experience can pose to individual well-being and life outside academia. This session will explore these inherent challenges, discussing how they impact both your research journey and personal well-being. We will identify practical strategies and solutions to help you manage workloads, maintain a work-life balance, and meet academic expectations. By the end of the session, you will have a toolkit of techniques to enhance your well-being and academic success, ensuring you thrive both in your studies and personal life.  14/08/24, 2 hours, 1000-1200 AEST.  Presented by Belinda Cash - Social Worker, Supervisor and HDR Survivor.
15th Aug 2024 R Tutorial Series 7 - Time series analysis
This unit covers the special data analysis topic, time series analysis, which primarily introducing the classic Box-Jenkins approach, namely ARIMA models and related R functions.  15/08/24, 2.15 hrs. 1000-1215 AEST.  Presenter:  John Xie, QCU.
15th Aug 2024 Animal Ethics for Research Students
Are you an honours or postgraduate research student working on a project involving animals? All such research at Charles Sturt University requires approval from the animal ethics committee before commencing. Join us for this seminar to learn about the committee’s role, key considerations for your applications, and the processing timelines for projects involving animals. We will also discuss the use of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) which can be developed and submitted prior to research applications. 15/08/24, 60 mins, 1030-1130 AEST. Presenter - Lindsay Skyner.
15th Aug 2024 Animal Ethics, Drop in Sessions (live-link)
Are you engaged in animal-involved research or teaching? Maintaining the highest ethical standards is crucial. For guidance in navigating the animal ethics application process, join our informal sessions. Whether you're drafting an application, adjusting a declined one, or planning a project, these sessions offer advice and open conversations. Moreover, they serve as a platform to foster discussions on enhancing the well-being of animals involved in teaching and research.  No need to register, just save the teams link to your calendar.  15/08/24. 60 mins, 1200-1300. Presented by: Lindsay Skyner, Animal Welfare Officer.
15th Aug 2024 Advanced EndNote: For theses and publications
This session will look at advanced EndNote features which will be helpful when writing your thesis or for other professional writing. We recommend watching or attending Get Started with EndNote before registering for this session.  15/08/24, 60 mins, 1400-1500 AEST.  Presented by: Library Services.
15th Aug 2024 Preparing engagement and impact case studies – for RPI assessment
Join our information session for crucial insights on preparing a Major Engagement or Impact case study for category B of RPI assessment. Receive guidance on key concepts, the assessment process, criteria, and linking your case study to evidence. The upcoming assessment round is in September 2024—get a head start on your preparation now. 15/08/24. 60mins, 1400-1500 AEST. Presenter - Dale Curran, Research Engagement and Impact Officer.
20th Aug 2024 Paraphrasing the Literature
Paraphrasing is crucial as it demonstrates your ability to comprehend a source deeply enough to restate it in your own words. It also provides a valuable alternative to direct quotes, which should be sparingly used in research studies. This workshop presents strategies for evaluating sources and integrating them into your writing through effective paraphrasing. We will cover practical tips and resources to help you develop your unique voice while honing your paraphrasing and referencing skills. This workshop is especially beneficial for research candidates working on their literature review or discussion chapter, though all staff and students are welcome to attend. 20/08/23, 90 mins, 1000-1130 AEST.  Presenter:  Arif Khan.
21st Aug 2024 HDR Connect (live link)
Engage with fellow HDR students in HDR Connect—a virtual space to meet peers, discuss concerns, ask burning questions, celebrate achievements, or simply chat. Connecting with those on a similar journey fosters friendships, builds support networks, boosts confidence, and reinforces the understanding that you're not alone. It's a mutually beneficial experience that aids both you and others!  If you would like a calendar invite please email 60 mins, each Wednesday fortnight, 1800-1900 AEST, hosted by Jennifer Podesta.
26th Aug 2024 Research Rave (live link)
Participate in our monthly lunchtime Research Rave, courtesy of the Post-Graduate Student Association and Researcher Development Team. Enjoy insightful presentations from Graduate Researchers and Research Service providers, sharing their experience and expertise. Bring your lunch, connect with peers, nurture growth, and draw inspiration as we rave about research. Join us for an enriching experience of connection and learning! If you would like a calendar invite please email, 1230-1330 AEST, fourth Monday of each month).
27th Aug 2024 Editing and Proofreading
Editing focuses on enhancing the 'big picture' of your work. It ensures that you fully address the task requirements and involves making structural changes to improve the logic and flow of your writing. In contrast, proofreading focuses on specific details such as spelling, sentence structure, and referencing. By adhering to continuous editing and meticulous final proofreading, you can refine your work and improve your writing skills. This workshop provides guidance and practice in both of these crucial aspects of successful research writing, offering practical tips on developing the skills and techniques needed to effectively edit and proofread your own work. 27/08/24, 90 mins, 1000-1130 AEST.  Presenter - Arif Khan.
27th Aug 2024 Engagement and Impact Case Studies – for RPI Assessment
This information session will provide the key information to support you to prepare a Major Engagement or Impact case study for assessment for category B of RPI. Key concepts, assessment process and criteria along with guidance on preparing your case study and linking it to evidence will be provided The next assessment round will take place in September 2024, get a head start with your assessment now. 27/08/24. 60mins, 1200-1300 AEST. Presenter - Dale Curran, Research Engagement and Impact Officer.
28th Aug 2024 Graduate Research Candidate Induction
Welcome, new Higher Degree by Research Candidates! Embark on your research journey with a comprehensive session featuring presenters from Research Services, Researcher Development, Graduate Studies, the Library, Ethics and Compliance, and other experts. Gain vital insights into the initiation of your research endeavors, covering responsibilities, expectations, probationary requirements, timelines, and support services. Delve into the dynamics of your supervisory team relationship, discover training opportunities, and receive essential guidance to navigate this exciting phase. This session is a cornerstone of your probationary requirements, ensuring you are well-equipped to navigate the complexities and opportunities that come with pursuing advanced research degrees. Don't miss this essential introduction to your research adventure! 28/08/24, 3 hrs, 1000-1300 AEST.  Presenters - Various.
2nd Sep 2024 Research Bootcamp (live link)
Join our inclusive all-day research group, designed for those wanting to dedicate specific time to research in a supportive and motivating online environment. Participants find these sessions helpful for focusing, streamlining research work, establishing dedicated research time, creating a distraction-free practice, building a research community, and overcoming procrastination. Come for an hour or for the day. If you would like a reminding calendar invite please email  See you there.  (6 hours, 1000-1600 AEST) Hosted by: Arif Khan, online via teams.
3rd Sep 2024 Writing More Clearly
This is a three-part workshop series designed to help you master the macro and micro skills of writing. In Part 1, we focus on paragraph structure, offering practical examples to help you organize ideas and practice writing. Part 2 addresses writing effective sentences and linking ideas within a paragraph to enhance cohesion, with practical examples to refine your writing. Part 3 centers on selecting the right words to improve clarity and meaning within a paragraph. This series is tailored for research candidates working on their introduction, literature review, or discussion chapter, but all staff and students are welcome to attend. 03-05/09/24, 90 mins each day 1400-1530 AEST.  Presenter - Arif Khan.
4th Sep 2024 HDR Connect (live link)
Engage with fellow HDR students in HDR Connect—a virtual space to meet peers, discuss concerns, ask burning questions, celebrate achievements, or simply chat. Connecting with those on a similar journey fosters friendships, builds support networks, boosts confidence, and reinforces the understanding that you're not alone. It's a mutually beneficial experience that aids both you and others!  If you would like a calendar invite please email 60 mins, each Wednesday fortnight, 1800-1900 AEST, hosted by Jennifer Podesta.
5th Sep 2024 Ethics Café
Join the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) in enlightening sessions where they navigate you through the application process, dissect essential components of a research proposal, and address prevalent concerns and errors. This invaluable opportunity provides a deepened understanding of requirements and offers expert advice to minimize the chances of re-submission. Whether you're a novice or experienced researcher, these sessions are designed to empower you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the intricacies of ethics applications seamlessly. These sessions welcome Researchers, Academics, and students preparing to submit applications involving human ethics.  05/09/24, 60 mins, 1000-1100 AEST.   Presented by HREC.
10th Sep 2024 Grants: Strategic planning and becoming grant ready
Want to be grant ready and find the best funding opportunities? In this workshop, we’ll cover how to strategically plan which funding opportunities to apply for, how to become grant ready by developing a project plan and an individualised funding toolkit, and where to identify new funding opportunities. This workshop is ideal for early career researchers. PhD students welcome. This workshop may be recorded and may be made available to a wider audience. 10/09/24, 60 mins, 1100-1200 AEST.  Presenter - Lisa Limbrick.
11th Sep 2024 Supervisor Series, Module 4. Developing the researcher
This module develops your ability to assist your candidates to analyse their training needs and plan their professional and personal development. It develops understanding how writing expertise develops and recognises the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of feedback while encouraging you to select appropriate methodologies for developing candidates writing. Supervisors will also need to complete an I2 self-study unit/s as part of the workshop. Please refer to for more information and how to access these. 11/09/24, 3 hours, 1000-1200 AEST.  Presenter - Sarah O'Shea and Monique Shephard.
12th Sep 2024 Use SAGE Research Methods Online
Starting your research or want to know more about different research methods? This session will show you where and how to locate resources, including videos and case studies, on a wide range of research methods.  12/09/24, 45 mins, 1400-1445 AEST.  Presented by: Library Services.
17th Sep 2024 R Tutorial Series 8 - Tree models
This unit covers the special data analysis topic, tree models that may refer to a regression tree (if the response variable is continuous) or a classification tree (if the response variable is categorical).  17/09/24, 2.15 hrs. 1000-1215 AEST. Presenter: John Xie, QCU.
18th Sep 2024 HDR Connect (live link)
Engage with fellow HDR students in HDR Connect—a virtual space to meet peers, discuss concerns, ask burning questions, celebrate achievements, or simply chat. Connecting with those on a similar journey fosters friendships, builds support networks, boosts confidence, and reinforces the understanding that you're not alone. It's a mutually beneficial experience that aids both you and others!  If you would like a calendar invite please email 60 mins, each Wednesday fortnight, 1800-1900 AEST, hosted by Jennifer Podesta.
19th Sep 2024 Animal Ethics, Drop in Sessions (live-link)
Are you engaged in animal-involved research or teaching? Maintaining the highest ethical standards is crucial. For guidance in navigating the animal ethics application process, join our informal sessions. Whether you're drafting an application, adjusting a declined one, or planning a project, these sessions offer advice and open conversations. Moreover, they serve as a platform to foster discussions on enhancing the well-being of animals involved in teaching and research.  No need to register, just save the teams link to your calendar.  19/09/24. 60 mins, 1200-1300. Presented by: Lindsay Skyner, Animal Welfare Officer.
23rd Sep 2024 Research Rave (live link)
Participate in our monthly lunchtime Research Rave, courtesy of the Post-Graduate Student Association and Researcher Development Team. Enjoy insightful presentations from Graduate Researchers and Research Service providers, sharing their experience and expertise. Bring your lunch, connect with peers, nurture growth, and draw inspiration as we rave about research. Join us for an enriching experience of connection and learning! If you would like a calendar invite please email, 1230-1330 AEST, fourth Monday of each month).
1st Oct 2024 Research Bootcamp (live link)
Join our inclusive all-day research group, designed for those wanting to dedicate specific time to research in a supportive and motivating online environment. Participants find these sessions helpful for focusing, streamlining research work, establishing dedicated research time, creating a distraction-free practice, building a research community, and overcoming procrastination. Come for an hour or for the day. If you would like a reminding calendar invite please email  See you there.  (6 hours, 1000-1600 AEST) Hosted by: Arif Khan, online via teams.
2nd Oct 2024 Ethics Café
Join the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) in enlightening sessions where they navigate you through the application process, dissect essential components of a research proposal, and address prevalent concerns and errors. This invaluable opportunity provides a deepened understanding of requirements and offers expert advice to minimize the chances of re-submission. Whether you're a novice or experienced researcher, these sessions are designed to empower you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the intricacies of ethics applications seamlessly. These sessions welcome Researchers, Academics, and students preparing to submit applications involving human ethics.  02/10/24, 60 mins, 1400-1500 AEST.   Presented by HREC.
2nd Oct 2024 HDR Connect (live link)
Engage with fellow HDR students in HDR Connect—a virtual space to meet peers, discuss concerns, ask burning questions, celebrate achievements, or simply chat. Connecting with those on a similar journey fosters friendships, builds support networks, boosts confidence, and reinforces the understanding that you're not alone. It's a mutually beneficial experience that aids both you and others!  If you would like a calendar invite please email 60 mins, each Wednesday fortnight, 1800-1900 AEST, hosted by Jennifer Podesta.
3rd Oct 2024 Graduate Research Candidate Induction
Welcome, new Higher Degree by Research Candidates! Embark on your research journey with a comprehensive session featuring presenters from Research Services, Researcher Development, Graduate Studies, the Library, Ethics and Compliance, and other experts. Gain vital insights into the initiation of your research endeavors, covering responsibilities, expectations, probationary requirements, timelines, and support services. Delve into the dynamics of your supervisory team relationship, discover training opportunities, and receive essential guidance to navigate this exciting phase. This session is a cornerstone of your probationary requirements, ensuring you are well-equipped to navigate the complexities and opportunities that come with pursuing advanced research degrees. Don't miss this essential introduction to your research adventure! 03/10/24, 3 hrs, 1000-1300 AEST.  Presenters - Various.
8th Oct 2024 Supervisor Series, Module 5. Preparing for completion & examination
Module 5 addresses the stage of the doctoral process which is often the most fraught for both candidate and supervisor alike. This module explores key issues in the examination process to assist supervisors in working with candidates prior to, during, and following examination. It reviews institutional regulations and disciplinary norms regarding submission of the doctoral output and how supervisors Identify examiners, taking into account the research. This module explains the assessment process and the support needed in the periods prior to and following examination, particularly in completing revisions.  Supervisors will also need to complete an I2 self-study unit/s as part of the workshop. Please refer to for more information and how to access these. 08/10/24, 3 hours, 1000-1300 AEST. Presenter - Monique Shephard.
10th Oct 2024 NVivo
NVivo is your gateway to extracting deeper insights from qualitative and mixed methods data. Elevate your research with a tool that enables you to import data from diverse sources, leverage advanced management, query, and visualization tools, and construct well-founded findings supported by rigorous evidence. Engage in complex data analysis, posing intricate questions to identify themes and draw clear conclusions. This course (PC based), features a sample dataset to encourage participants to explore their own coded datasets, whether derived from literature or empirical sources. If you're yet to have coded data, this workshop provides a glimpse into the possibilities that await you in later stages of your research journey. As this workshop moves you beyond basic coding, and if you are new to NVivo, you are required to go through some pre-materials to make the best of this workshop, a link to these is contained in the registration.  10/10/24, 3 hours, 1000-1300 AEST.  Limited to 15 participants, only register if are available and committed to the full workshop.  Presenter: Dr Jenine Beekhuyzen, Adroit Research.  *If this event is full, please email and request to be added to the wait-list.
16th Oct 2024 R Tutorial Series 9 - Meta-analysis and inter-rater reliability analysis
This unit covers two special data analysis topics: (1) Meta-Analysis; and (2) Inter-rater reliability analysis.  16/10/24, 2.15 hrs. 1000-1215 AEST.  Presenter: John Xie, QCU.
16th Oct 2024 HDR Connect (live link)
Engage with fellow HDR students in HDR Connect—a virtual space to meet peers, discuss concerns, ask burning questions, celebrate achievements, or simply chat. Connecting with those on a similar journey fosters friendships, builds support networks, boosts confidence, and reinforces the understanding that you're not alone. It's a mutually beneficial experience that aids both you and others!  If you would like a calendar invite please email 60 mins, each Wednesday fortnight, 1800-1900 AEST, hosted by Jennifer Podesta.
17th Oct 2024 What is animal welfare?
Are you interested in learning more about animal welfare? Animal welfare is a multidimensional concept that encompasses the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of animals, as well as their ability to express natural behaviours. In this session, I will explore the various factors that contribute to animal welfare, discuss the five domains model and how welfare is assessed and measured, and the ethical considerations involved in ensuring the welfare of animals. Whether you are a researcher, lecturer or simply someone interested in learning more about animals, this session will provide valuable insights. 17/10/23, 90 mins, 1000-1130 AEST. Presenter, Lindsay Skyner, Animal Welfare Officer.
17th Oct 2024 Animal Ethics, Drop in Sessions (live-link)
Are you engaged in animal-involved research or teaching? Maintaining the highest ethical standards is crucial. For guidance in navigating the animal ethics application process, join our informal sessions. Whether you're drafting an application, adjusting a declined one, or planning a project, these sessions offer advice and open conversations. Moreover, they serve as a platform to foster discussions on enhancing the well-being of animals involved in teaching and research.  No need to register, just save the teams link to your calendar.  17/10/24. 60 mins, 1200-1300. Presented by: Lindsay Skyner, Animal Welfare Officer.
22nd Oct 2024 Publishing your research: Open Access
In this workshop we’ll take an in depth look at everything Open Access. We’ll explain what Open Access is, the benefits of Open Access, how to make your work Open Access and demonstrate tools you can use to identify reputable and relevant Open Access publishers.  22/10/24, 60 minutes, 1000-1100 AEST. Presented by - Library Services.
24th Oct 2024 Beyond coding in qualitative data analysis: Interpretation, inference, instinct and analytical leaps
Coding can be a very useful way to see patterns and develop insights into qualitative data. However, it is normally only part of the coding process. If not coding, then what? This workshop will explain several concrete strategies for working with qualitative data which bring the researcher’s knowledge, experience, instincts, and potentially unique insights into play. These include searching for contextual pieces that change the meaning of data, working with synoptic units, and non-textual approaches to pattern-seeking.  24/10/24, 3 hrs, 1000- 1300 AEST.  Presented by - Nick Hopwood, University of Technology Sydney.
28th Oct 2024 Research Rave (live link)
Participate in our monthly lunchtime Research Rave, courtesy of the Post-Graduate Student Association and Researcher Development Team. Enjoy insightful presentations from Graduate Researchers and Research Service providers, sharing their experience and expertise. Bring your lunch, connect with peers, nurture growth, and draw inspiration as we rave about research. Join us for an enriching experience of connection and learning! If you would like a calendar invite please email, 1230-1330 AEST, fourth Monday of each month).
30th Oct 2024 HDR Connect (live link)
Engage with fellow HDR students in HDR Connect—a virtual space to meet peers, discuss concerns, ask burning questions, celebrate achievements, or simply chat. Connecting with those on a similar journey fosters friendships, builds support networks, boosts confidence, and reinforces the understanding that you're not alone. It's a mutually beneficial experience that aids both you and others!  If you would like a calendar invite please email 60 mins, each Wednesday fortnight, 1800-1900 AEST, hosted by Jennifer Podesta.
1st Nov 2024 Research Bootcamp (live link)
Join our inclusive all-day research group, designed for those wanting to dedicate specific time to research in a supportive and motivating online environment. Participants find these sessions helpful for focusing, streamlining research work, establishing dedicated research time, creating a distraction-free practice, building a research community, and overcoming procrastination. Come for an hour or for the day. If you would like a reminding calendar invite please email  See you there.  (6 hours, 1000-1600 AEST) Hosted by: Arif Khan, online via teams.
5th Nov 2024 Strategic literature searching: Journal and citation databases
This workshop introduces the dynamic process of strategic literature searching. We’ll demonstrate how to develop a search strategy and how to get the best out of journal and citation databases.  05/11/24, 45 mins, 1000-1045 AEST.  Presented by:  Library Services.
5th Nov 2024 Ethics Café
Join the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) in enlightening sessions where they navigate you through the application process, dissect essential components of a research proposal, and address prevalent concerns and errors. This invaluable opportunity provides a deepened understanding of requirements and offers expert advice to minimize the chances of re-submission. Whether you're a novice or experienced researcher, these sessions are designed to empower you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the intricacies of ethics applications seamlessly. These sessions welcome Researchers, Academics, and students preparing to submit applications involving human ethics.  05/11/24, 60 mins, 1230-1330 AEST.   Presented by HREC.
13th Nov 2024 Strategic literature searching: Australian resources & grey literature
Are you looking for Australian research and resources, or grey literature? This session will demonstrate where and how to locate these resources.  13/11/24, 45 mins, 1000-1045 AEST.  Presented by:  Library Services.
13th Nov 2024 HDR Connect (live link)
Engage with fellow HDR students in HDR Connect—a virtual space to meet peers, discuss concerns, ask burning questions, celebrate achievements, or simply chat. Connecting with those on a similar journey fosters friendships, builds support networks, boosts confidence, and reinforces the understanding that you're not alone. It's a mutually beneficial experience that aids both you and others!  If you would like a calendar invite please email 60 mins, each Wednesday fortnight, 1800-1900 AEST, hosted by Jennifer Podesta.
14th Nov 2024 R Tutorial Series 10 - Survival analysis
This unit covers the special data analysis topic, survival analysis, which refers to the analysis of data that take the form of measurements of the time to death, or the time to failure.  14/11/24, 2.15 hrs.  1000-1215 AEST. Presented by John Xie, QCU.
19th Nov 2024 Develop your systematic-like literature review
Want to know more about Systematic Reviews? This short session will provide a guide to the tools available and show you the steps to creating a systematic or systematic-like review.   19/11/24, 45 mins, 1000-1045 AEST.  Presented by:  Library Services.
20th Nov 2024 Preparing engagement and impact case studies – for RPI assessment
Join our information session for crucial insights on preparing a Major Engagement or Impact case study for category B of RPI assessment. Receive guidance on key concepts, the assessment process, criteria, and linking your case study to evidence. Get a head start on your preparation for 2025. 20/11/24. 60mins, 1100-1200 AEST. Presenter - Dale Curran, Research Engagement and Impact Officer.
21st Nov 2024 Use CRO, ORCiD and researcher profiles to promote your research
Researcher profiles can be used to promote and disseminate your research. In this session we’ll touch on various researcher profiles, look at how to edit your CRO profile, link your CRO and ORCiD profiles, and add publications to CRO.  21/11/24, 45 mins, 1000-1045 AEST.  Presented by: Library Services.
21st Nov 2024 Animal Ethics, Drop in Sessions (live-link)
Are you engaged in animal-involved research or teaching? Maintaining the highest ethical standards is crucial. For guidance in navigating the animal ethics application process, join our informal sessions. Whether you're drafting an application, adjusting a declined one, or planning a project, these sessions offer advice and open conversations. Moreover, they serve as a platform to foster discussions on enhancing the well-being of animals involved in teaching and research.  No need to register, just save the teams link to your calendar.  21/11/24. 60 mins, 1200-1300. Presented by: Lindsay Skyner, Animal Welfare Officer.
25th Nov 2024 Research Rave (live link)
Participate in our monthly lunchtime Research Rave, courtesy of the Post-Graduate Student Association and Researcher Development Team. Enjoy insightful presentations from Graduate Researchers and Research Service providers, sharing their experience and expertise. Bring your lunch, connect with peers, nurture growth, and draw inspiration as we rave about research. Join us for an enriching experience of connection and learning! If you would like a calendar invite please email, 1230-1330 AEST, fourth Monday of each month).
27th Nov 2024 HDR Connect (live link)
Engage with fellow HDR students in HDR Connect—a virtual space to meet peers, discuss concerns, ask burning questions, celebrate achievements, or simply chat. Connecting with those on a similar journey fosters friendships, builds support networks, boosts confidence, and reinforces the understanding that you're not alone. It's a mutually beneficial experience that aids both you and others!  If you would like a calendar invite please email 60 mins, each Wednesday fortnight, 1800-1900 AEST, hosted by Jennifer Podesta.
27th Nov 2024 HDR Connect (live link)
Engage with fellow HDR students in HDR Connect—a virtual space to meet peers, discuss concerns, ask burning questions, celebrate achievements, or simply chat. Connecting with those on a similar journey fosters friendships, builds support networks, boosts confidence, and reinforces the understanding that you're not alone. It's a mutually beneficial experience that aids both you and others!  If you would like a calendar invite please email 60 mins, each Wednesday fortnight, 1800-1900 AEST, hosted by Jennifer Podesta.
2nd Dec 2024 Supervisor Series, Module 1. Introduction, overview and first session of enrolment
This module introduces supervisors to supervision and asks them to reflect on their own experiences and approaches to supervision and provides an overview of supervision at Charles Sturt University and the wider context of doctoral programmes. The module also looks at candidate recruitment from optimising your supervisory profile to identifying the characteristics of a 'successful' candidate and how best to meet applicant needs and expectations.  Supervisors will also need to complete an I2 self-study unit/s as part of the workshop. Please refer to for more information and how to access these.  (02/12/24, 3hrs, 1000-1300 (AEST)  Presenter - Monique Shephard and guest presenters.
2nd Dec 2024 Research Bootcamp (live link)
Join our inclusive all-day research group, designed for those wanting to dedicate specific time to research in a supportive and motivating online environment. Participants find these sessions helpful for focusing, streamlining research work, establishing dedicated research time, creating a distraction-free practice, building a research community, and overcoming procrastination. Come for an hour or for the day. If you would like a reminding calendar invite please email  See you there.  (6 hours, 1000-1600 AEST) Hosted by: Arif Khan, online via teams.
3rd Dec 2024 Supervisor Series, Module 3. Planning & conducting research
This module examines the issues of diversity and exclusivity in the context of research supervision and preparing candidates to make informed judgements to ensure successful research projects and timely completion. In advises on the advantages of employing a project management approach to research in order to support candidates to research ethically and with integrity and how to work with your candidate to predict and respond proactively to potential risks and support needs. The second part of this module addresses a number of common issues that supervisors might encounter during candidature and offers valuable advice about how to respond to those issues effectively. Issues discussed include aligning expectations, motivating candidates who are procrastinating, and dealing with plagiarism, among others. This unit also offers valuable advice about responding to candidates with mental health issues.  Supervisors will also need to complete an I2 self-study unit/s as part of the workshop. Please refer to for more information and how to access these. 04/12/24, 3 hours, 1000-1300 AEST. Presenter - Monique Shephard and guest presenters.
3rd Dec 2024 Supervisor Series, Module 2. Researcher cultures & environments
This module considers the key features of research cultures and how they support the development of positive work environments. This module also encourages research supervisors to examine their own supervisory practices in supporting candidates to engage with the wider research environment, build networks and foster collaborations and personal experience of supervision with a view to informing and framing the working relationship with their doctoral candidate. While this module focuses on building relationships within the first six months, it also summarises the supervisors' roles and responsibilities in creating respectful and inclusive relationships with candidates and aligning expectations for productive working relationships.  Supervisors will also need to complete an I2 self-study unit/s as part of the workshop. Please refer to for more information and how to access these.  03/12/24, 3 hours, 1000-1300 AEST.  Presenter - Monique Shephard and guest presenters.
3rd Dec 2024 Publishing your research
Ready to publish and looking at your options? Want to know how to choose the best option for you and your work? In this session we'll chat about tips and resources that can help identify the best publishing options for your work. We'll touch on journal metrics and how to identify reputable publishers and Open Access publishing opportunities.  03/12/24, 45 mins, 1400-1445 AEST.  Presenters - Library Services.
5th Dec 2024 Supervisor Series, Module 4. Developing the researcher
This module develops your ability to assist your candidates to analyse their training needs and plan their professional and personal development. It develops understanding how writing expertise develops and recognises the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of feedback while encouraging you to select appropriate methodologies for developing candidates writing. Supervisors will also need to complete an I2 self-study unit/s as part of the workshop. Please refer to for more information and how to access these. 05/12/24, 3 hours, 1000-1200 AEST.  Presenter - Monique Shephard and guest presenters.
6th Dec 2024 Supervisor Series, Module 5. Preparing for completion & examination
Module 5 addresses the stage of the doctoral process which is often the most fraught for both candidate and supervisor alike. This module explores key issues in the examination process to assist supervisors in working with candidates prior to, during, and following examination. It reviews institutional regulations and disciplinary norms regarding submission of the doctoral output and how supervisors Identify examiners, taking into account the research. This module explains the assessment process and the support needed in the periods prior to and following examination, particularly in completing revisions.  Supervisors will also need to complete an I2 self-study unit/s as part of the workshop. Please refer to for more information and how to access these. 06/12/24, 3 hours, 1000-1300 AEST. Presenter - Monique Shephard and guest presenters.
10th Dec 2024 Metrics and your research impact
Are you looking for ways to showcase and promote your research?  In this session we will look at author metrics, article metrics and alternative metrics. We will also touch on how to present your research metrics for grant applications and applications for promotion.  10/12/24, 45 mins, 1000-1045 AEST.  Presented by - Library Services.
12th Dec 2024 Authorship and Copyright for a Thesis and other publications
Planning to include journal articles, that you have written during your candidature, in your thesis? Planning to publish further works from your thesis? This information session will support you to apply the appropriate copyright, Intellectual Property, Open Access and Creative Commons guidelines to your research outputs. 12/12/24, 1400-1445 AEDT, 45mins.  Presented by: Library Services.
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