Industry Engagement


Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR.Intern) connects postgraduate research students with industry through short-term 3-5 month placements. These internship opportunities empower students to thrive in a practical research environment and for businesses to innovate and be future-ready.

Read an interview with Deb Metcalf about her 3-month internship through APR.Intern with industry partner Cultivate Food Safety.

  • About

    APR.Intern provides an opportunity for graduate research candidates to apply their research skills in an industry setting and gain invaluable experience — with support every step of the way.

    APR.Intern is Australia’s only national industry internship program that matches industry challenges with suitable graduate research candidates across all sectors and disciplines with industry. Research candidates will experience a practical research environment, apply their research skills to an industry challenge and learn to navigate the workplace so that they can gain industry experience and be industry and career ready; expand university research collaborations; and connect the country’s brightest emerging research talent with businesses.

  • Eligibility
    • You must be a PhD, Professional Doctorate or Masters by Research student.
    • You must not have previously undertaken a PhD internship with APR.Intern.
    • You must have met the requirements of your confirmation milestone and demonstrate that internship participation will not adversely impact your scheduled thesis submission date.
    • Your Principal Supervisor must provide you with written approval to participate in the program.

    Note: APR.Intern is available to all genders, domestic and international students across all sectors and disciplines. Traditionally, there has been lower participation of women in STEM careers and APR.Intern has a special focus on helping change that.

  • Program benefits
    • Research For Impact- Apply your PhD theory to an industry challenge
    • Fast Track your Career- Build industry networks and enhance your CV
    • Increase Employability- Develop your soft skills to support and complement research expertise
    • Flexible Conditions- Explore tailored project arrangements
    • Student Internship Scholarship -Receive a $3,000 monthly student scholarship
  • Application process

    Discuss your interest in applying for APR.Intern with your Principal Supervisor and the Graduate Research Team.

    Obtain written approval from your Principal Supervisor and submit the Student Approval Form. To progress your application to the next stage your Student Approval Form must be submitted as soon as possible.

    Apply for an APR.Intern internship. There are three ways to apply for an APR.Intern internship opportunity.

    1. Respond directly to an Advertised Internship
      Go to the APR.Intern website and view the current opportunities. If your skillset fits one of the advertised positions, apply and attach your Student Approval Form and a CV Template Advertised Internship.
    2. Submit an Expression of Interest
      If no current internships are appropriate, join the APR.Intern database by submitting an expression of Interest and attaching a CV Template General Application.
    3. Find an industry partner to work with
      Develop your own internship opportunity with an industry partner within your own or the university’s networks facilitated by the APR.Intern business development team. Contact to find out more.
  • FAQs

    Will I be paid?

    The intern will receive $3,000 per month of the internship, usually in the form of scholarship payments.

    I am an international student. Can I participate?

    Yes, international students with the appropriate student visa are eligible to participate. APR.Intern internships are not considered to be ‘work’ and as such do not impact on visa restrictions.

    How will participating in APR.Intern impact on my PhD candidature?

    If you successfully apply for an internship you have a number of options around how to manage your candidature.

    • Take one session of leave from your HDR programme. During this time, you will be enrolled in a ‘shell subject’ to ensure your enrolment with the university continues.
    • Move from full-time to part-time study.
    • Undertake an internship during the examination period.

    View APR.Intern FAQs here