Variances to Candidature

Apply for Leave

If for an unforseen reason you cannot continue with your studies for a short period of time you may seek an official leave of absence. During an approved leave of absence you may not pursue your studies or consume any University resources in terms of supervision and other support services. Approved leave of absences have implications for the payment of fees, scholarships and overall periods of candidature.

Leave of absence application

A Leave of Absence will normally only be approved for a maximum of six calendar months at any one time. The total leave of absence accumulated in a given candidature will not exceed one year (full time equivalent) unless the Research Advisory Committee deems the circumstances to be exceptional. Leave of absence applications specify the reasons for which leave is sought and are submitted to the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies.

Requests for leave of greater than one year shall be determined by the Research Advisory Committee following advice from the Executive Dean. The decision with respect to an application for leave will be notified in writing by the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies.

Scholarship recipients need to check the conditions of their award regarding the scholarship payments during a Leave of Absence; typically payments would be suspended for the period.

Where the period of leave will result in a reduced requirement for enrolment, the application for Leave of Absence must be received by the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies a minimum of two weeks before the relevant census date (refer to the Academic Calendar Policy: Principal Dates for Session and Census Dates). Applications for leave of absence which are received by the Research Office after the census date of the session in which they are applying for leave will not be accepted.

International student visa holders are advised that Leave of Absence from a program of study is generally not permitted under the conditions of that visa. It is the responsibility of International candidates to monitor and comply with the conditions of the visa.

Reasons for a Leave of Absence include: maternity leave, extended periods of other leave due to sickness or carer responsibilities and other personal leave, for example to meet employment requirements or for personal financial reasons.

For full information please refer to the Higher Degree by Research Policy – Enrolment and Progress.

Application for Extension of Candidature

A written Application for Extension of Candidature of up to 6 months must be received in writing by the Executive Dean prior to the end of the maximum candidature period and must include the following:

  • Detailed account of the reasons relating to non-completion within the maximum candidature period.
  • Copy of your current transcript.
  • Copy of your two latest progress reports.
  • A timeline outlining remaining work to be completed and expected date for submission of your thesis for examination.
  • Written support from your Principal Supervisor.

The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies will notify all students of the outcome of their applications.

International Students comply with their Visa Requirements. For assistance please contact your International Student Support Officer.

Other Variances

Under section 5 of the Higher Degree by Research Policy – Enrolment and Progress a candidate may apply for a variation to candidature duration requirements. Variations to these requirements may be approved by the Research Advisory Committee if exceptional circumstances apply, but only on the recommendation of the Executive Dean of the Faculty in which the candidate is enrolled.

Extensions may be requested for one additional session of enrolment. Failure to meet the requirements of an approved extension of candidature may result in a termination of candidature.