Responsibilities & Administration Matters

The University has an expectation that all staff and students abide by the Research Code of Conduct, comply with all ethics requirements and conduct themselves appropriately when undertaking research and failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

As this is the case you should make yourself familiar with the following:

Students should also be aware of the Complaints management process of the University.

Responsibilities of HDR candidates:

You are primarily responsible for driving, developing, implementing and writing up your thesis or equivalent document, which will represent the culmination and report of your HDR candidature. Importantly, this is your program of research, and you must own it and all of the required decision-making and work. But in addition to that responsibility there are some others:

  • ensure that you are correctly and actively enrolled each year;
  • ensure that you contact details are up to date and correct within Charles Sturt systems;
  • maintaining contact with your Supervisory Team;
  • complete probation on time;
  • complete six monthly progress reports within the reporting system;
  • keeping to the schedule as agreed with the Supervisors and as approved in your research proposal;
  • taking the initiative in identifying problems and potential solutions to these problems (it is not the job of the Supervisor to provide answers to -  problems but rather to help you to identify and evaluate potential solutions);
  • ensuring that your thesis conforms to the requirements of the University, as detailed in the academic regulations,
  • discussing with Supervisors and/or, if necessary, with the relevant Faculty Sub Dean Graduate Studies, any dissatisfaction that you might have with the supervisory process.


HDR students can apply for leave during the course of their candidature and are entitled to twenty days annual leave in each full time equivalent year of enrolment and is not considered a leave of absence for the purposes of consumed candidature.

HDR students can also apply for a leave of absence which will not contribute to the duration of the candidature.  Candidate are not expected to be working towards their degree or receiving support from the supervisory team. Scholarship stipend would normally be suspended during a period of leave of absence.

Retrospective Leave will not usually  be approved and will only be considered in the following circumstances:

* there has been an administrative error by the University 
* Due to exceptional circumstances resulting in the candidate being unable to apply as required

Administration Matters

There are a variety of changes that may take place during your candidature that effect the administration of your records, such as change of contact details.  Student Administration should be contacted as soon as possible so they may make the necessary updates to your records.

For matters that affect your HDR candidature such as leave of absence, contact the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies, so they may assist you in completing the correct form.