Probation details

A candidate’s admission to any Higher Degree by Research program shall normally commence on a probationary basis for a period of up to twelve months (full-time equivalent). Doctor of Philosophy by Prior Publication candidates are exempt.

Probation Requirements

Standard probation requirements for a Higher Degree by Research are:

Variations to these probation requirements may be detailed in a candidate's offer of admission.

Confirmation of Candidature

Each Faculty has its own requirements for Confirmation of Candidature (CoC). Some probation requirements are incorporated into the confirmation process.  Please refer to the following documents:

Faculty of Arts and Education - CoC requirements

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Studies - CoC requirements

Faculty of Science and Health - CoC requirements

Note: Some variance may occur slightly between Schools, please contact your School HDR Coordinator for further information.

Upon completion of the probationary period, on the advice of the Sub-Dean Graduate Studies, the Office of Research Services will advise you that your candidature is confirmed. Once the candidature is confirmed, then the total period of candidature will normally be deemed to have begun from the date of commencement of study.

Probation schedules

Faculty of Arts & Education

  • Doctor of Ministry

    Probation Conditions for Doctor of Ministry

    1. Coursework Complete the four prescribed coursework subjects in the Doctor of Communications course.
    2. Induction Program Attendance of the Induction and Orientation Workshop for new higher degree by research students hosted by the Research Office.
    3. Seminar Presentation Deliver a seminar on the proposed research. This would normally be held in the host School or Centre.
    4. Research Proposal Have the research proposal approved by the Research Advisory Committee.
    5. Additional Requirements Successful completion of any specified coursework and/or additional requirements as stipulated in the Offer Conditions on Letter of Offer.
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Arts)

    Probation Conditions for PhD and Masters

    Normally, these conditions should be fulfilled within the first year (full-time equivalent) of candidature.

    1. Induction Programme Attendance of the Induction and Orientation Workshop for new higher degree by research students hosted by the Research Office.
    2. Seminar Presentation Successfully present and defend the thesis research proposal at a seminar which will normally be held in the host School or Centre. The quality of the proposed research will be evaluated by appropriate members of staff. A satisfactory seminar presentation is normally expected within six months (full-time equivalent) of commencement.
    3. Research Proposal Have the research proposal approved by the Research Advisory Committee.
    4. Additional Requirements Successful completion of any specified coursework and/or additional requirements as stipulated in the Offer Conditions on Letter of Offer.

Faculty of Business, Justice & Behavioural Sciences

  • Doctor of Business Administration (Research)

    Probation Conditions for Doctor of Business Administration (Research)

    1. Induction program
      Candidates will normally be required to participate in an induction program hosted by the Research Office or Faculty.
    2. Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences Doctoral Workshops
      Candidates are strongly encouraged to attend Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences Doctoral workshops.
    3. Completion of coursework
      DBA coursework (i.e. DBA711, DBA712, DBA713 and DBA714) is to be completed in two years (part-time). All subjects must be passed and work assessed to be of doctoral standard.
    4. Review of Literature and completion of a comprehensive research proposal
      A comprehensive review of the literature is to be completed in DBA713 and drawn together in the form of a 20-30 page research proposal for DBA714. If required, an ethics approval application form will also need to be completed as part of DBA714.
    5. Presentation of a research seminar
      At the completion of the final assignment for DBA714, candidates are required to deliver a seminar on their research proposal. This will normally be within the host School, at a doctoral workshop or other approved alternative venue. The 20-30 page proposal will submitted for feedback to at least two Faculty staff.
    6. Additional Requirements
      Successful completion of any additional requirements as stipulated in the Offer Conditions on Letter of Offer.
  • Doctor of Information Technology

    Probation Conditions for Doctor of Information Technology

    1. Induction program Candidates are normally required to participate in an induction program organized by the Research Office or an approved alternative (for example, an induction program offered by a partner institution overseas). The induction program should be completed by all candidates who propose to complete the thesis component of the degree and should be taken during the enrolment of ITC713 or ITC714.

    2. Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences Postgraduate Workshops Candidates are encouraged to attend Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences postgraduate workshops or alternatives offered by a partner institution overseas.

    3. Completion of Coursework DIT coursework (ie ITC711, ITC712, ITC713 and ITC714) is to be completed preferably in two years (part-time). A credit average or better must be attained to permit entry into the thesis component of the degree.

    4. Completion of a comprehensive research proposal A 20-30 page research proposal in ITC714 must be completed. The research proposal will require approval by the Research Advisory Committee. If necessary an ethics approval application form will also need to be completed.

    5. Presentation of a research seminar At or near the completion of ITC714, candidates are required to deliver a seminar on their research proposal. This will normally be within a School or any other Higher Degree by Research workshop, but for candidates who are located at considerable distance and unable to attend on-campus, seminars can be presented at an approved alternative venue. The research proposal is to be approved by two Faculty staff in addition to the members of the supervisory team.

    6. Additional Requirements Successfully complete any additional, specified coursework and/or additional requirements as stipulated in the Offer Conditions on the Letter of Offer.

  • Doctor of Philosophy

    Probation Conditions for Doctor of Philosophy

    1. Induction program Candidates will normally be required to participate in an induction program hosted by the Research Office or Faculty.

    2. Faculty of Business Postgraduate Workshops Candidates are strongly encouraged to attend Faculty of Business Doctoral workshops.

    3. Review of Literature and completion of a comprehensive research proposal The first comprehensive review of the literature is to be completed within the first 6 months full-time or 12 months part-time. This will not constitute a final version of the literature review to be presented in the thesis. This review of literature and the methods employed in investigating associated research questions will be drawn together in the form of a 20-30 page research proposal.

    4. Presentation of a research seminar Towards the end of the first 6 months full-time or 12 months part-time, candidates are required to deliver a seminar on their research proposal. This will normally be within the host School, at a doctoral workshop or other approved alternative venue/method. The 20-30 page proposal will submitted for feedback to at least two Faculty staff.

    5. Additional Requirements Successful completion of any specified coursework and/or additional requirements as stipulated in the Offer Conditions on Letter of Offer.

  • Doctor of Public Safety

    Probation Conditions for PhD and Masters

    Normally, these conditions should be fulfilled within the first year (full-time equivalent) of candidature.

    1. Coursework

    Complete the four prescribed coursework subjects in the Doctor of Public Safety.

    2. Seminar Presentation

    Deliver a seminar on the proposed research. This would normally be held in the host School, or alternatively via Skype if the student cannot attend in person.

    3. Research Proposal

    Have the research proposal approved by the Research Advisory Committee.

    4. Additional Requirements

    Successful completion of any specified coursework and/or additional requirements as stipulated in the Offer Conditions on Letter of Offer.

Faculty of Science

  • Doctor of Health Science

    Doctor of Health Science (DHlthSci) Probation Schedule

    Full-time candidatesPart-time candidatesMilestone Further information
    First month of candidature First month of candidature Induction Induct to host School, meet HDR co-ordinator. Allocation of resources, discussion of course enrolment structure and other aspects of the course with HDR co-ordinator and/or principal supervisor.
    1-6 months 1-12 months  HDR Induction Candidates are required to participate in the HDR Induction program hosted by the Research Office
    12 months 24 months Completion of coursework requirements HLT510, HLT511, HLT505 or BMS500, HSC700, HSC701 (includes Literature Review). Note that the timing of completion of these components may depend on part-time work commitments (and enrolment in a lower subject load), and on whether candidates receive credit for coursework components.
    12 - 24 months 24 - 48 months Attendance at Faculty HDR Symposium Candidates are required to attend the Faculty HDR Symposium in their first year of the doctoral research component
    18 months 36 months Endorsement of candidature seminar

    - Complete endorsement seminar and discussion.

    - Revise the research proposal in accordance with the review panel comments. Submit the final proposal and form to the principal supervisor.

    - Probation conditions completed, final endorsement

    Note that the timing of completion of these components may depend on part-time work commitments (and enrolment in a lower subject load), and on whether candidates receive credit for coursework components.
    During Dissertation phase During Dissertation phase Bi-annual progress reports (when coursework component complete & you are in the dissertation phase) All candidates are required to complete bi-annual progress reports for the DHlthSci once they have completed the coursework component and moved into the dissertation subjects. Candidates will be advised of the reporting process and due dates by the Research Office. Complete the form and submit to the principal supervisor.
  • Doctor of Philosophy - Lab Based/Non Lab Based

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Probation Schedule

    Full-time candidates Part-time candidates Milestone Further information
    First month of candidature First month of candidature Induction Induct to host School, meet HDR co-ordinator. Allocation of resources.
    1-6 months 1-12 months HDR Induction Candidates are required to participate in the HDR Induction program hosted by the Research Office
    6 months 12 months Draft literature review Complete draft literature review to the satisfaction of the principal supervisor
    6-12 months 12 - 24 months Attendance at Faculty HDR Symposium Candidates are required to attend the Faculty HDR Symposium in their first year.
    6-12 months 12 - 24 months Draft research proposal

    Completion of any specified coursework subjects
    Complete draft research proposal to the satisfaction of the principal supervisor. Prior to presenting the Endorsement of Candidature seminar (see below), the written proposal should be forwarded to the School HDR Co-ordinator for distribution to the review panel.

    Candidates should only complete coursework subjects if it was noted on their offer of admission.
    6-12 months 12 - 24 months Endorsement of candidature seminar

    - Submit the draft proposal to the HDR Co-ordinator at least 1 week prior to the seminar.

    - Complete endorsement seminar and discussion.

    - Revise the research proposal in accordance with the review panel comments. Submit the final proposal and form to the principal supervisor.

    - Probation conditions completed, final endorsement

    Throughout candidature Throughout candidature Bi-annual progress reports All candidates are required to complete bi-annual progress reports and will be advised of the reporting process and due dates by the Research Office. Complete the form and submit to the principal supervisor. If the first progress report falls a short period after degree commencement, a report is still required in which key milestones, supervisory team communication processes, and any additional key points are outlined.
  • Doctor of Veterinary Studies

    Doctor of Veterinary Studies (DVetStudies) Probation Schedule

    Full-time candidatesPart-time candidatesMilestone Further information
    First month of candidature Not available part-time Induction Induct to host School, meet HDR co-ordinator. Allocation of resources, discussion of course enrolment structure and other aspects of the course with HDR co-ordinator and/or principal supervisor.
    1-6 months 1-12 months HDR Induction Candidates are required to participate in the HDR Induction program hosted by the Research Office.
    18 months   Completion of coursework/clinical requirements Complete coursework/clinical training as outlined in course structure.
    6-12 months   Endorsement of candidature seminar (based on completion of research proposal and literature review in VSC712)

    - Complete endorsement seminar and discussion.

    - Revise the research proposal in accordance with the review panel comments. Submit the final proposal and form to the principal supervisor.

    - Probation conditions completed, final endorsement

    Throughout candidature   Bi-annual progress reports All candidates are required to complete bi-annual progress reports and will be advised of the reporting process and due dates by the Research Office. Complete the form and submit to the principal supervisor. If the first progress report falls a short period after degree commencement, a report is still required in which key milestones, supervisory team communication processes, and any additional key points are outlined.
  • Master of Philosophy - Lab Based/Non Lab Based

    Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Probation Schedule

    Full-time candidates Part-time candidates Milestone Further information
    First month of candidature First month of candidature Induction Induct to host School, meet HDR co-ordinator. Allocation of resources.
    1-6 months 1-12 months HDR Induction Candidates are required to participate in the HDR Induction program hosted by the Research Office.
    3 months 6 months Draft literature review Complete draft literature review to the satisfaction of the principal supervisor
    3 - 6 months 6 - 12 months Attendance at Faculty HDR Symposium Candidates are required to attend the Faculty HDR Symposium in their first year.
    3 - 6 months 6-12 months Draft research proposal

    Completion of any specified coursework subjects
    Complete draft research proposal to the satisfaction of the principal supervisor. Prior to presenting the Endorsement of Candidature seminar (see below), the written proposal should be forwarded to the School HDR Co-ordinator for distribution to the review panel.

    Candidates should only complete coursework subjects if it was noted on their offer of admission.
    6 - 9 months 12 - 18 months Endorsement of candidature seminar

    - Submit the draft proposal to the HDR Co-ordinator at least 1 week prior to the seminar.

    - Complete endorsement seminar and discussion.

    - Revise the research proposal in accordance with the review panel comments. Submit the final proposal and form to the principal supervisor.

    - Probation conditions completed, final endorsement

    Throughout candidature Throughout candidature Bi-annual progress reports All candidates are required to complete bi-annual progress reports and will be advised of the reporting process and due dates by the Research Office. Complete the form and submit to the principal supervisor. If the first progress report falls a short period after degree commencement, a report is still required in which key milestones, supervisory team communication processes, and any additional key points are outlined.
  • Master of Veterinary Studies

    Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Probation Schedule

    Full-time candidates Part-time candidatesMilestone Further information
    First month of candidature Not Available part-time Induction Induct to host School, meet HDR co-ordinator. Allocation of resources, discussion of course enrolment structure and other aspects of the course with HDR co-ordinator and/or principal supervisor.
    1-6 months   HDR Induction Candidates are required to participate in the HDR Induction program hosted by the Research Office.
    6-9 months   Endorsement of candidature seminar (based on completion of research proposal and literature review in VSC712)

    - Complete endorsement seminar and discussion.

    - Revise the research proposal in accordance with the review panel comments. Submit the final proposal and form to the principal supervisor.

    - Probation conditions completed, final endorsement

    12 months   Completion of any coursework/clinical requirements Complete coursework/clinical training as outlined in course structure.
    Throughout candidature   Bi-annual progress reports All candidates are required to complete bi-annual progress reports and will be advised of the reporting process and due dates by the Research Office. Complete the form and submit to the principal supervisor. If the first progress report falls a short period after degree commencement, a report is still required in which key milestones, supervisory team communication processes, and any additional key points are outlined.