Research reports

Research outcomes can be reported in a variety of ways, some fall outside the realm of traditional publishing practices. Research reports fall within the non-traditional category of published research and may be produced for a variety of purposes, including reporting on project outcomes to a funding body or conducting a systematic review of programs, processes or issues. They are eligible for recognition as part of individual and institutional performance assessments.

Publicly available reports

The Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) assessment includes research reports produced for an external body that have been made publicly available. Sub-categories of research reports eligible to be submitted for ERA are as follows:

Report typeDescription
Public Sector A research report that has been undertaken for an Australian, state, territory, local, foreign or international government body or organisation.
Industry A research report that has been undertaken for a company, industry organisation, industry peak body, or an employer/employee association.
Not-For-Profit A research report that has been undertaken for a body or organisation operating in the not-for-profit sector.
Other A research report undertaken for an organisation not covered by the above sub-categories.

Non-public reports

In addition to the ERA exercise, reports that have not been made publicly available for sensitivity reasons (e.g. contain commercial or classified information) are also considered as eligible for internal assessments. All reports published by a Charles Sturt University staff member which meet the eligibility criteria should be submitted to the system for recognition as part of that staff member’s performance record.

Submissions to inquiries and consultations, including government or parliamentary inquiries

These types of outputs are only able to be included for ERA and internal assessments as part of a portfolio. A portfolio is a collection of research outputs from the same underlying research endeavour that on their own may not meet the definition of research, but when collected together have coherent research content. Submissions that do not meet the requirements of a portfolio can still be recorded in the system as part of your research profile.

Eligibility criteria

In order to be eligible, the report must:

  • meet the definition of research
  • have been commissioned or requested
  • have been made publicly available where permissible. Sensitive reports will also be accepted and assessed for inclusion in the internal collection
  • contain a Charles Sturt author affiliation where appropriate

Recording research reports

To be considered for assessment, research reports and submissions must be entered into the Charles Sturt Research Output (CRO) repository . If your report contains sensitive information you can use the options on the submission form to restrict visibility of the record and/or any attached documents. For further information please contact the Research Office Outputs Team.