Author affiliations

A "byline" or "affiliation" is an acknowledgment of the organisation that has supported you to conduct your research, and should be recorded on the published version of your output.

Why do I need a Charles Sturt University byline?

Acknowledgement of Charles Sturt University is a requirement of the Authorship Policy (items 42-44) and applies to academic staff, adjuncts, HDR candidates, general staff, and visiting scholars. Affiliations are also used for internal reporting purposes to allocate credit to the organisational unit (Faculty/School/Centre) that supports you, and may have an impact on whether you and your outputs can be included in external submissions such as the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA). Outputs published prior to or outside of your Charles Sturt University association are exempt from this requirement.

Where do I record the byline?

Depending on the output type or publishing outlet, this may be next to the list of author names at the start or end of the output, or in separate contributor information page(s) or author biographies sections of the publication. You may be asked to nominate your affiliation on your publication consent form or via communications from the publisher or editor of the publication.

What if I am affiliated with multiple institutions?

You do not need to make a choice about where your acknowledgment must go. As long as Charles Sturt University is acknowledged on the output (if appropriate), there is no restriction on recording additional affiliations, and each institution noted will have an equally valid claim to the output for reporting purposes.

What do I do if my output is missing a Charles Sturt University byline?

If there is no Charles Sturt University byline on the output, we require an author's declaration form to be completed indicating that the research leading to the publication was undertaken in your capacity as an affiliate of Charles Sturt University. You can enter multiple outputs onto the one form to save time.

Please note that a 'currently employed at' byline note (or similar) is insufficient proof that the research was actually undertaken while affiliated with Charles Sturt University, so you will need to complete an author's declaration if appropriate.