Faculty Early Career Research (ECR) Scheme

The Faculty ECR Scheme supports promising Charles Sturt University early career researchers to progress their research careers. An ECR is a Charles Sturt University staff member who is within 5 years post-research higher degree completion based on date of conferral.


Researchers can apply for funding to conduct a research project that will help develop their track record and enhance their research competitiveness. The scheme aims to provide researchers with experience and mentorship in applying for research funding and in understanding and managing a research project.

The maximum funding available for each award is $25,000 (excluding GST).


The Faculty ECR Scheme is supported by the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation, via Research Investment Funding (RIF), and is open to all faculty early career researchers.

Before completing an application, please review the scheme guidelines.

Applications for 2025

Application Form

Project Description template

The completed Application Form with Project Description and supporting documentation must be submitted as a combined PDF attachment to pvcri@csu.edu.au by Monday 4 November 2024.

Late applications will not be considered.

Important Dates
Applications Open7 October 2024
Applications Close4 November 2024
Outcome of Applications Advised9 - 13 December 2024


All questions should be directed to pvcri@csu.edu.au with the subject line 'ECR <Year> | <Name>' for a prompt response.