
All staff and students who will be conducting research or practical teaching that involves genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or potentially infectious and/or hazardous agents (including human blood and tissues), or who will be importing biological material, may be required to apply to CSU's Institutional Biosafety Committee for approval.

The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is responsible for administering the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act) and corresponding state and territory laws. The OGTR is responsible for the protection of the health and safety of people, and to protect the environment, by identifying risk posed by or as a result of gene technology, and by managing those risks.

The OGTR and the Act should be referred to when dealing with GMOs.

The AS/NZS 2243 Safety in Laboratories is the standard that governs the facilities in which hazardous agents are handled. For more information and to access the Standard via a primo search visit the CSU Library webpage.

CSU Biosafety Manual and Guidelines

The Institutional Biosafety Committee - Information Sheet