Regional Work and Organisational Resilience Sturt Group

Strengthening organisational resilience and workplace wellbeing in regional communities

Resilient and productive workplaces are central to vibrant regional communities and the provision of essential human services. Workforce mental health and wellbeing and its relationship to leadership and organisational resilience are fast emerging, high impact areas of research.

About us

The Regional Work and Organisational Resilience Sturt Group (RWOR) is exploring experiences of workers in regional Australia and examining the factors that contribute to their physical, mental, emotional health and wellbeing.

A cross-disciplinary and evidenced based approach is being taken, by exploring workplace wellbeing within different organisational settings with a focus on regional organisational resilience.

RWOR consists of two pillars:

1. Workforce Wellness

This pillar conducts research on the physical, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing of the workforce.

2. Leadership, Management and Human Resources

This pillar conducts research on the role of leadership, organisational communication, and human resource management in creating healthy work environments.

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Our team

The team offers expertise in policy advice and effective interventions which are designed to enhance the wellness and productivity of organisations – with a focus on front line emergency service workers and supporting agencies.

We have expertise in:

  • leadership and management
  • human resources
  • organisational behaviour/psychology
  • economic benefit
  • trauma
  • responding to bullying and harassment.

Our team works closely with industry to provide recommendations to management on the processes to be undertaken to support a healthy organisational culture and a resilient future workforce throughout regional Australia.

For further information