NSW Education Waratah Scholarships

The NSW Department of Education is seeking to fund research projects that support its priorities and lead to improvements in social and educational outcomes for people in NSW.

Waratah Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis in the form of a top-up to their Research Training Program (RTP) stipend to higher degree research candidates undertaking research aligned with one or more of the priorities below:

  • Transition - identifying and piloting effective transition strategies at a systemic and local level for students moving between home care, school education, post-school education and training, and employment
  • Wellbeing - cultivating candidate's and education staff’s wellbeing and happiness and addressing the challenges of COVID-19 and remote learning
  • Pedagogical innovation - evaluating and enhancing the effectiveness of current and potential pedagogical approaches and addressing the challenges of COVID-19 and remote learning
  • Inclusiveness - meeting the education and training needs of culturally and linguistically diverse communities and disadvantaged groups
  • Learning environments - designing and implementing learning infrastructure which engages students, enhances their experience and improves outcomes
  • Quality teaching - improving quality teaching by enhancing the effectiveness of teacher professional learning, particularly using digital technologies
  • Workforce Development - identifying current and future skills needs for NSW industries and workforce and how these needs should be addressed

The Department may publish the name of each Waratah Scholar, the project title and a description (including the purpose, outcomes and objectives) of each Scholarship, and the amount of the grant.

Waratah Scholars must be:

  1. in receipt of or awarded a RTP scholarship
  2. enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research with Charles Sturt
  3. engaged in research that aligns with one or more Departmental priorities (see above)
  4. share any publications from their research, including the final thesis with the Department of Education
  5. willing to present their research to the NSW Department of Education (as a report, presentation or otherwise) upon request by the Department and share any publications from their research, including the final thesis with the Department of Education
  6. be part of the inter-university Waratah Scholars Network.

Waratah Scholars do not need to be residents of NSW, but the majority of the research should be conducted in NSW.

Waratah Scholars can study on a full-time or part-time basis. Part-time candidates would receive funds at a half rate.

Waratah Scholars are to acknowledge the support from the NSW Department of Education in any publications and presentations arising from their research.

If a research report contains information belonging to a third party, Waratah Scholars must ensure that they have in place all necessary consents sufficient to allow the Department to deal with the information or any report.

This scholarship provides a $10,000 pa stipend allowance in addition to any other stipends received by the student and is payable in fortnightly instalments.

The scholarship stipend is tenable for up to a maximum of three years subject to satisfactory progress.

How to apply

Candidates should apply with a two page summary of how their research helps to address the stated research priorities for Education and how the majority of their research is conducted in NSW.

They should demonstrate some level of familiarity with the research, evidence base, and data in use by the Department of Education and show how their research will help the Department achieve its strategic goals.

Applications should be emailed to graduateresearch@csu.edu.au


For all enquires email graduateresearch@csu.edu.au