Scholarship application guide

A guide for scholarship applicants on the assessment of applications for centrally funded Higher Degree by Research (HDR) scholarships.

Application process

You can now apply for admission to your research degree and a research scholarship through one process.

When you apply for admission to your Charles Sturt research course you will be given the option to apply for scholarships advertised on our research scholarships page.

In most cases, you will be notified of the outcome of your application for these scholarships within two months of the application round closing date. Application round dates are advertised on the individual scholarship pages. You may receive the outcome of your application for admission before you are advised of the outcome of your scholarship application.

Those who are already enrolled in our research degrees can apply for these scholarships using the special links included on our individual scholarship pages. We do not offer any scholarships for international applicants wishing to study online.

Charles Sturt University seeks to attract and facilitate the progress of high-quality Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates whose research interests align with the strategic priorities of the University.

Most scholarships offered by Charles Sturt University are funded through the Australian Government's Research Training Program (AGRTP). The Charles Sturt Policy relating to scholarships funded under this program can be found in our Policy Library.

Assessment and allocation of awards

Preliminary assessment and ranking of scholarship applications is completed within the relevant Faculty and/or Research Institute. The assessment takes into account the academic qualifications and achievements of each applicant and their demonstrated research capacity and allows for prioritisation of strategic areas by Faculties as outlined below.

Advice from these assessment processes is integrated and provided to the Higher Degree by Research Scholarships Committee. The recommendations of the Higher Degree by Research Scholarships Committee are then submitted to the Presiding Officer of the Research Committee for endorsement/approval.

Applicants will normally be notified of outcomes within two months of the application round closing date.

Identification of a supervisor

Before submitting a scholarship application you should make contact with the appropriate Sub-Dean Graduate Studies to discuss your supervisory options at Charles Sturt. You will be required to identify a supervisor for your research project and should make contact with them to ask them to complete a Supervisor Scholarship Application Endorsement Form, which is required to be completed to form part of your scholarship application.

Assessment criteria

Applications are assessed against four key areas.

  • Evidence of Academic Merit
    • Academic merit considers the nature and level of the applicant's highest, relevant qualification.
  • Research and/or Professional Experience
    • Evidence of an applicant's research achievements and relevant professional experience.
  • Research Environment
    • Alignment with strategic research priorities and strengths. This includes the strength of alignment with the Charles Sturt Research Narrative; the supervisory capacity and the strength of the research environment within the field of research.
  • Quality of Proposed Research
    • The quality of the research proposal and the level of understanding of the research subject matter.

Recipients of the Charles Sturt University Medal receive two bonus points.

For more information, refer to the HDR Scholarship Scoring Criteria information sheet.

We receive a large number of high-quality applications and are not able to provide all eligible applicants with a scholarship. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we’re unable to provide individual feedback on applications or advice on what scores applicants received against each of the criteria.