Charles Sturt HDR Scholarship Scoring Criteria


  • Meets entry criteria (Undergraduate Bachelor Honours or Research Masters or Coursework Masters or other pathway)
  • Evidence of supervisor support
  • Primary Supervisor Research Active

Section 1(a): Evidence of academic merit

  • Masters by Research
  • Incomplete Masters by Research degree
  • Incomplete PhD or Professional Doctorate
  • Master by Coursework (with evidence of research training)
  • Master by Coursework (with evidence of research project)
    * A project must include a dissertation/thesis
  • Other postgraduate qualifications with evidence of research training
    (e.g. Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma)
  • Undergraduate Bachelor Honours Class 1
  • Undergraduate Bachelor Honours Class 2A
  • Undergraduate Bachelor Honours Class 2B

Section 1(b): Research experience

Applicant has research experience and/or demonstrated experience with collaborative projects with evidence of research/impact / industry-practice / engagement where it has directly contributed to the research training of the applicant (e.g. Research Assistant, internship and researchers) not already captured in the sections above. Must be supported by evidence outlining employer, dates of employment, full-time or part-time, and duties undertaken.

Section 1(c): Research publications

Publications as per the criteria below

  • Journal Article - A presentation of new research in ERA recognised journal. 1st Author or co-author
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed) - A peer-reviewed chapter or part or whole of a book, report or anthology/collected work by a recognised publisher. 1st Author or co-author
  • Full national or international Plant Breeders Rights or patents. 1st Author or co-author
  • Conference paper - Article that has been presented at an ERA-recognised conference and formally published, for example, in a volume of proceedings. 1st Author or co-author
  • Commissioned Report - A research report commissioned/solicited by an external body and made publicly available. 1st Author or co-author
  • Major creative works - Solo Exhibition. 1st Author or co-author
  • Major creative works - Group Exhibition. 1st Author or co-author
  • Written or recorded creative work. 1st Author or co-author

Section 2: Research environment

  • Alignment with existing research strengths or nominated emerging area
  • Supervisor capability to support applicant in their research area

Section 3: Quality of proposed research

Well-written and well-articulated explanation of planned research, demonstrating a high level of understanding of the research subject matter, including a brief discussion of:

  • theoretical framework
  • statement of problem/need for current study and expected contributions to knowledge
  • research questions
  • general objectives
  • methodology
  • ethical considerations

Section 4: University Medallist

If you have been awarded a University Medal for outstanding academic performance, this will count towards the scoring process.