Research Fee Offset Scholarships

The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies is introducing Research Fee Offset Scholarships to commence from Session 1, 2024 (January 2024). Eligible Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) candidates will no longer be charged tuition fees.

Research Fee Offset Scholarships will be offered for 3.5 years (PhD) or 1.5 years (MPhil) only, and once the candidate exceeds this length of candidature, fees will commence.

NB. Many scholarships, including the Fee Offset Scholarships, differ in duration to a HDR candidate's maximum candidature period. For example, whilst a PhD maximum candidature duration is 4 years FTE, the Fee Offset is awarded for 3.5 years FTE. It is envisaged that most candidates will complete and submit their thesis for examination within 3.5 years FTE.

Important: This scholarship program does not include Professional Doctorate or Veterinary HDR courses.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is a fee offset?

    A Fee Offset pays for the tuition fees of a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student that the student would have otherwise paid. The university will offset the tuition fee applicable for a student for a defined period of time. This is not a stipend

  • Who is eligible for a Fee Offset Scholarship?
    • Domestic candidates commencing or continuing a Doctor of Philosophy, or Master of Philosophy, at Charles Sturt University in 2024.
    • Not in receipt of an existing scholarship or funding arrangement that covers tuition costs.
  • I am studying a research degree on an international student visa. Am I eligible for an automatic fee offset?

    No. The newly introduced automatic fee offsets are limited to domestic HDR candidates. However, you may be eligible for other scholarships. The university often manages third-party project scholarships in which an external funding body provides a stipend allowance and other scholarship entitlements while the university provides tuition fee coverage. These external project scholarships may provide a tuition fee offset; however, they are classified differently from this domestic HDR Research Fee Offset Scholarship program. Please check the Research Scholarships webpage for further information and opportunities.

  • I am studying a professional doctorate. Am I eligible for an automatic Fee Offset Scholarship?

    No. Eligibility for the Fee Offset Scholarship is limited to domestic candidates enrolled in a Doctor of Philosophy or a Master of Philosophy.

  • What is the duration of the Fee Offset Scholarship?

    The maximum duration of the Fee Offset Scholarship is:

    • Doctor of Philosophy – 3.5 years full-time equivalent
    • Master of Philosophy – 1.5 years full-time equivalent.

    For part-time students, the duration is doubled e.g. 7 years for part-time PhD, 3 years for part-time Master of Philosophy. Any credit for prior candidature will also be used to calculate the eligible timeframe.

  • I am in the second year of my Higher Degree by Research at Charles Sturt University. Am I eligible for a Fee Offset Scholarship?

    Continuing students will automatically receive a Fee Offset Scholarship, provided you:

    1. meet the eligibility criteria; and
    2. have successfully completed probation and reached ‘confirmation of candidature’; and
    3. your enrolment has not exceeded the maximum duration of the fee offset scholarship.
  • I am in the final year of my Higher Degree by Research. Am I still eligible for a Fee Offset Scholarship?

    If you have not exceeded the enrolment period for the Fee Offset Scholarship completion (3.5 years for a PhD / 1.5 years for a MPhil) you will receive a fee offset for your remaining candidature. For example, if you are currently in the second year of your studies, then you will receive a fee offset until you have completed 3.5 years (or part-time equivalent) or until you have submitted your thesis for examination.

  • I am about to commence my studies part-time. How long can I receive a Fee Offset Scholarship?

    Part-time students will receive an equivalent time – so for part-time PhD students, this will be 7 years of study and for Master of Philosophy (MPhil) that is 3 years of study.

  • I have been accepted into a PhD for 2024 but I need to defer my offer for a year. Can I retain my Fee Offset Scholarship?

    No. If you defer your offer of admission, the offer of a Fee Offset Scholarship will not automatically be deferred. When you successfully enrol to commence your Higher Degree by Research we will reassess your application at that point.

  • I have completed a period of part-time and full-time enrolment. How do I find out if I qualify for this Fee Offset Scholarship?

    The Graduate Research team will contact all eligible students to confirm the commencement and duration of a Fee Offset Scholarship.

  • I already have a scholarship with tuition fee coverage. Will this impact my existing scholarship arrangements?

    If your scholarship includes tuition fee coverage, such as current AGRTP Scholarships or Institute Scholarships, nothing will change for you.