Prosperous, circular and digital regional economies

Our researchers are working together to improve our world through sustainable production

Paddock-to-plate approach to agricultural innovation

The Gulbali Institute takes a paddock-to-plate approach to agricultural, food and beverage innovation. The Institute conducts the best research in agricultural sustainability and food and beverage innovation. By collaborating with industry partners, we ensure that our research has a real impact. We are committed to driving innovation and sustainability in the agricultural, food and beverage industries.

Human hair transformed into renewable energy storage

A Charles Sturt University research team has unlocked the power of human hair as the key ingredient to develop sustainable energy storage solutions and eliminate biowaste.

Research futures

Listen to Professor Lee Baumgartner, Executive Director, Gulbali Institute, discuss the need to embrace Gulbali values and understand country, his big research ideas, the challenges facing Australian freshwater river systems, and the important research program he is leading to address these challenges.

Listen to Professor Jane Quinn discuss her big research ideas, the challenges facing the Australian livestock industry, the research she is conducting to address the challenges, and the strong reputation of Charles Sturt graduates in building the agri-innovation workforce of the future.

Prosperous, circular and digital regional economies

The first challenge is to support the development of prosperous circular and digital regional economies.

We support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Charles Sturt University aligns our research, policies, procedures, and other work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These are the most relevant SDGs for this initiative.

Goal 09 - Industry, Innovation, and InfrastructureGoal 12 - Responsible Consumption and ProductionGoal 13 - Climate ActionGoal 15 - Life on LandGoal 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Recent funding

  • $254,866

    Mapping wetland extents in the Murrumbidgee and Billabong Floodplains, 2024, Prof Andrew Hall


    Professor Andrew Hall

  • $787,934

    NoABLE' - A data-driven verification system for lifetime quality assurance of a No Antibiotic / Low Emissions lamb production pathway, 2024-2026, Prof Jane Catherine Quinn, Food Agility CRC - Research Grant


    Professor Jane Catherine Quinn, Food Agility CRC - Research Grant