
The Office of Graduate Research maintains an up-to-date Supervisors Register. Persons listed on the register are approved to supervise Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates. The register has two levels of supervisors - Principal Supervisors and Co-supervisors.

Eligibility requirements

Supervisors must be currently engaged in research to support Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates. Supervisors must have a qualification, such as a PhD, or have an equal record of academic or professional achievement.

For detailed information, refer to the Higher Degree by Research Procedure.


Criteria for addition to the register of supervisors:

To be recorded on the register of supervisors as a Co-supervisor only, a person must:

  1. be a member of the academic staff of the University or, in exceptional circumstances, an adjunct academic staff member or a person external to the University who is approved by the Dean, Graduate Research to be added to the register
  2. hold a doctoral qualification or have an equivalent record of scholarly achievement
  3. be currently engaged in research or, for the supervision of a professional doctorate, be a leading scholar or practitioner in the relevant profession
  4. agree to supervise graduate research candidates in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Degree by Research Policy and this procedure
  5. have undertaken, or agree to undertake within six months, training in supervision as required by the University. Exemptions from part or all of the training requirement may be granted by the Dean, Graduate Research, where evidence of completion of similar training at other institutions has been provided.

Principal supervisors

To be recorded on the register as a Principal Supervisor, a person must meet all the criteria for co-supervisors, and also:

  1. be research active according to the current university criteria
  2. have within the last five years been co-supervisor for a minimum of one year full-time equivalent of a candidate undertaking an HDR thesis.

Principal Supervisors who do not meet their responsibilities and/or do not continue to meet the above conditions will be removed from the Register.

Apply to become a supervisor

To become a supervisor, you must apply through the appropriate Faculty Sub-Dean Graduate Studies.

Academics must provide all of the following information to support their application.

  1. Details of academic qualifications.
  2. Details of previous experience as Principal Supervisor, including the number and level of candidates supervised to completion and relevant dates.
  3. The areas of research in which the person wishes to be considered as a Supervisor.
  4. A list of research projects, funded and unfunded, undertaken as Chief Investigator in the areas of research nominated during the last five years.
  5. A list of publications (last five years) relevant to the areas of research nominated.
  6. Details of research supervision workshops attended at Charles Sturt University or elsewhere.
  7. Any other details required by the Faculty.

Application forms