Candidature lifecycle

Candidature is the period of enrolment you will undertake to complete your Higher Degree by Research. Periods of approved leave of absence are not included in the calculation of the duration of candidature. Your candidature is confirmed once you have successfully completed all probation requirements within your first year of full-time study.

You will be automatically enrolled for each session of study.

Enrolment in sessions 1 and 2 constitutes an enrolment for the full calendar year.

If you wish to change your enrolment pattern from what is normally expected (e.g. move from full-time to part-time) you will need to contact student administration, or if you are a scholarship recipient seek approval via the Graduate Research Team.

There is an expectation that you will work for at least 48 weeks per year during the research component of your course of study.


Following is a guide to the milestones you will need to achieve in your candidature; the milestones are an expectation for all candidates, but the time frame for completion may differ depending on your program and your study mode. The estimates are for full time study.

Doctor of Philosophy 3 years (FTE) 4 years (FTE)
Doctor of Philosophy by Prior Publication 1 year (FTE) 1 year (FTE)
Master by Research 1 year (FTE) 2 years (FTE)
Research Professional Doctorate 3 years (FTE) 4 years (FTE)

Please refer to the Higher Degree by Research Policy – Enrolment and Progress for full information, or see below for more detail.

Key milestones

There are three official milestones which you are required to satisfy as part of your candidature.

  1. Completion of probation within 12 months.
  2. Completion of six monthly Progress Reports until the end of your candidature.
  3. Submission of your Thesis within the maximum candidature period.

Doctor of Philosophy

A candidate for a Doctoral degree, whether completing a program by full-time or part-time study or by a combination of full-time and part-time, shall not normally be permitted to submit a thesis for examination within the first three years (full-time equivalent) of candidature. A candidate will be expected to present their thesis for examination within four years (full-time equivalent) of the date of the initial enrolment in the course, excluding periods of approved leave of absence.

Candidature time for a full-time student is 3 years minimum and 4 years maximum. Candidature time for a part-time student is 6 years minimum and 8 years maximum.

In the first 12 months for a full time candidate or the first 24 months for a part time student of your candidature you should look to have completed the following items:

On commencing your studies you will work with your Principal Supervisor to set out the roles, responsibilities and establish the dynamic of your supervisory team.

  • Attended an online induction session (Probationary requirement).
  • Completed all scheduled six monthly progress reports.
  • Have completed your literature review.
  • Completed your research proposal ( Probationary requirement).
  • Completed any Faculty probationary requirements stipulated in your offer of admission.
  • Established the requirements for ethics approval and have completed all the requirements associated with this.

In your second 12 months (full-time) or 24 months (part-time) you should be working on the following:

  • Your research should be underway
  • You may consider further professional development in order to assist you with your research
  • Completed the scheduled six monthly progress reports

In your third 12 months (full-time) or 24 months (part-time) you should be considering the following:

  • Continuing to work on your research
  • At this point you will be approaching you minimum candidature time and the earliest point of submission of your thesis for examination
  • You should begin to discuss with your supervisory team the plan including a time line for your thesis submission
  • You may be commencing the writing up phase of your thesis

In your fourth 12 months (full-time) or 24 months ( part-time ) you should be looking to complete the following.

  • Finalise you research.
  • Commence and finalise the writing up of your thesis for examination.
  • Finalise the submission date of your thesis with your Supervisory team.

Professional Doctorate

A candidate for a research professional doctoral program shall not normally be permitted to submit a thesis or portfolio for examination before three years full-time equivalent enrolment, unless entry is on the basis of a relevant Masters degree. Candidates will be expected to submit their thesis or portfolio for examination no later than the end of four years full-time equivalent enrolment, excluding periods of approved leave of absence.

Student undertaking a Professional Doctorate have a course work component that must be completed prior to commencing the dissertation stages and should discuss their plans and timelines for thesis submission with their supervisory team.

Masters by Research

A candidate for a Master degree shall not normally be permitted to submit a thesis for examination within the first year (full-time equivalent) of candidature. A candidate will be expected to present their thesis for examination within two years (full-time equivalent) of the date of the initial enrolment in the course, excluding periods of approved leave of absence.

Candidature time for a full-time student is 1 year minimum and 2 years maximum. Candidature time for a part-time student is 2 years minimum and 4 years maximum.

In the first 12 months for a full-time candidate or the first 24 months for a part-time candidate you should look to complete the following.

  • On commencing your studies you will work with your Principal Supervisor to set out the roles, responsibilities and establish the dynamic of your supervisory team.
  • Attended an online induction session ( Probationary requirement).
  • Completed all scheduled six monthly progress reports.
  • Have completed your literature review.
  • Completed your research proposal ( Probationary requirement).
  • Completed any Faculty probationary requirements stipulated in your offer of admission.
  • Established the requirements for ethics approval and have completed all the requirements associated with this.
  • Commenced your research.
  • You may consider further professional development in order to assist you with your research.

In your second 12 months (full-time) or 24 months (part-time) you should be working to:

  • finalise you research
  • commence and finalise the writing up of your thesis for examination
  • finalise the submission date of your thesis with your Supervisory team.