Researchers and innovators

Discover how best to create impact and turn your research into a commercial reality.

Intellectual property

Intellectual property (IP) is registered IP.

  • Patents.
  • Design registrations.
  • Trade marks.
  • Copyright.
  • Know-how (methods/processes).
  • Trade secrets.
  • Data.

Get IP and Commercialisation Training from IP Australia

Research Impact Canvas

Crystallise your research purpose with the Researcher Impact Canvas. Test your hypothesis.

This tool will help you curate research into ground-breaking discoveries and solutions.

Download the Canvas


We can help you publish your research in the correct order. We'll also honour the commitments and obligations we are bound to by legal agreements.

We're here to support you all the way.

Step 1

Complete our innovation notification form

You can tell us about your innovation by completing our simple two-page Innovation Notification form.

Step 2

Attend follow-up meeting

We meet and discuss.

Step 3

Register IP, secure copyright and know-how

Governance and IP filing.

Step 4

Work with you to develop the optimum commercialisation pathway

We'll help you turn your research into a new product, service, or company.