Recent Publications from HEERU



Stone, C., & O’Shea S., (Eds) (2024). Research Handbook on Student Engagement in Higher Education. London:  Edward Edgar Publishing, UK


O’Shea, S., May, J., Stone, C., & Delahunty, J. (2023).  First-in-Family Students, University Experience and Family Life: Motivations, Transitions and Participation (Second Edition). London: Palgrave Macmillan.


O’Shea, S., Groves, O., Austin, K., & Lamanna, J. (Eds) (2022). Career Development Learning and Sustainability Goals: Considerations for Research and Practice, Springer, UK

Book Chapters


O’Shea, S. (2024). Engagement and the first in family student: Creating a manifesto for success. In Stone, C & O’Shea, S. (Eds), Research Handbook of Student Engagement in Higher Education, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK

O’Shea, S. (2024). ‘Fragility’ in the pandemic university: Implications for student equity and participation. In Rao, N. & Hathaway, T. (eds), Teaching and learning in Higher Education in times of crisis. Brill Publishing, UK


O’Shea, S & Delahunty, J. (2022). How Do We Assess for “Success”? Challenging Assumptions of Success in the Pursuit of Inclusive Assessment. In Ajjawi, R., Tai, J., Boud, D., & De St Jorre, T (eds) Assessment for Inclusion in Higher Education: Promoting Equity and Social Justice in Assessment, (pp. 165-177). Routledge, UK.

Groves, O., O’Shea, S. & Austin, K. (2022). Ensuring equitable and inclusive career development learning research: provocations and practical lessons. In, O’Shea, S, Groves, O, Austin, K, & Lamanna, J (eds) Career development learning and sustainability goals: Considerations for research and practice (pp. 141-148). Springer, UK.

Austin, K., & O’Shea, S., (2022). Partners in Career Education: Exploring collaboration between universities, schools, industry, communities and vocational education providers in developing best practice career approaches. In, O’Shea, S, Groves, O, Austin, K, & Lamanna, J (eds) Career development learning and sustainability goals: Considerations for research and practice, pp17-31. Springer, UK.

Groves, O., Austin, K., Lamanna, J., & O’Shea, S. (2022). Introduction to career development learning and sustainability goals: Considerations for research and practice. In, O’Shea, S, Groves, O, Austin, K, & Lamanna, J (eds) Career development learning and sustainability goals: Considerations for research and practice. Springer, UK.

O’Shea, S (2022). Negotiating Embodied Aspirations: Exploring the emotional labour of higher education persistence for female caregivers. In Hooks, G., Moreau, M-P., & Brooks R. (eds).  Student Carers in Higher Education: Navigating, resisting and re-inventing academic cultures, Routledge, UK.

O’Shea, S (2022). Why does student retention and success matter? In Mahsood Shah, Sally Kift & Liz Thomas (Eds). Student Retention and Success in Higher Education, (pp17-40). Palgrave Macmillan, UK

O’Shea, S., Delahunty, J., & Gigliotti, A (2022). Creating Collaborative Spaces: Applying a ‘students as partners’ approach to university peer mentoring programs. In Fernando F Padro, Megan Kek & Henk Huijser (Eds) University Development and Administration: Student Support Services, 2-18, (309-328). Springer, UK.



Delahunty, J., & O’Shea, S. (2024, in-press). A critical exploration of first in family student persistence and the enactment of Sisu, Higher Education.

Lahiri-Roy, R. & Martinussen, M. (2024) ‘“Do our Diversities Count?” Collaborative reflections on dwelling in academe’s intersectional shadowlands’. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 37(4), 975-989.

Martinussen, M. & Mulcahy, D. (2024) ‘Working-class student-hood and “job-readiness”: Affective relations of class, gender and employability policy in higher education’. Journal of Educational Policy, 39(4), 583-601.


Ajjawi, R., Gravett, K., & O Shea, S. (2023). The politics of student belonging: identity and purpose, Teaching in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2023.2280261

Dollinger, M., Corcoran, T., Jackson, D., & O’Shea, S. (2023). Employability for inclusion: the urgent need for a biopsychosocial model perspective. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 1-18. (Q1)

Mulcahy, D. & Martinussen, M. (2023) ‘Affective enactments of class: Attuning to events, practice, capacity’. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 44(5), 667-678.

O’Shea, S (2023): ‘It was like navigating uncharted waters’: exposing the hidden capitals and capabilities of the graduate marketplace. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 45(2), 126-139 DOI: 10.1080/1360080X.2023.2180161(Q1)

Dollinger, M., O’Shea, S., & Groves, O. (2023). Recognising and reconceptualising ability: Reflections on disability and employability. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability 14(1), p.i-vi

Gravett, K., Ajjawi, R., & O Shea, S. (2023). Topologies of belonging in the digital university. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1-15. (Q1)

O’Shea, S., & Jungblut, J (2023). Foreword. An international exploration of post-PhD careers. Discussing the issues of employability and intersectoral mobility. Studies in Higher Education (48) p1517-1518 Q1

Dollinger, M., Ajjawi, R., Finneran, R., & O’Shea, S. (2023). Conceptualising responsibility and hostility within work-integrated learning placements for students with disabilities. Disability and Society, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2023.2209276 (Q1)


Groves, O., O’Shea, S., Delahunty, J. (2022). ‘I don’t understand it’: First in family graduates recognising and mobilising capitals for employment. Journal of Education and Work, 53(3) 293-306 (Q1)

Mulcahy, D.,& Martinussen, M. (2022). Affecting advantage: Class relations in contemporary higher education. Critical Studies in Education, 64(2), 168-183.

Published reports


O’Shea, S., Austin, K., Pitman, T., Groves, O., Bennett, D., Coffey, J., Dollinger, M., et al. (2023). National Career Development Learning Hub for Students with Disability. Final Report. National Careers Institute Partnership Grants, Department of Education, Skills and Employment. Retrieved from


Rubin, M., Burke, P. J., Bennett, A., Evans, O., O’Shea, S., et al. (2022). Success from the perspective of the successful: Low SES students, success and completion in higher education. Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Programme National Priorities Pool.

Editorial and media


O’Shea, S (2023, Nov 23). Graduate employment: Right now, the ‘fair-go’ isn’t fair enough. EduResearch Matters: A voice for Australian educational researchers. Available from

Gravett, K & Ajjawi, R & O’Shea, S (2023, 23 May). Many ways students can belong: Belonging and non-belonging really do matter but more attention is needed to unpack this complex area. Campus Morning Mail. Available from

O’Shea, S (2023, 21 May). Duty calls: the Accord and equity. Much can be achieved by revisiting one fundamental purpose of universities: creating better societies. Campus Morning Mail. Available from:

O’Shea, S (2023, 19 May). These 5 equity ideas should be at the heart of the Universities Accord. The Conversation. Available from

O’Shea, S (2023, 24 July). The 5 Ms of Peer Mentoring. Needed Now in Teaching and Learning. Available from:

O’Shea, S (2023, January 23). Education: the five concerns we should debate right now. EduResearch Matters: A voice for Australian educational researchers. Available from


O’Shea, S. (2022, 13 July). $1.5bn has gone into getting disadvantaged students into uni for very small gains. So what more can be done? The Conversation. Available from

O’Shea, S (2022, July 4) All I want for higher education now and tomorrow. EduResearch Matters: A voice for Australian educational researchers. Available from

Howard, S., O’Shea, S., Lipscombe, K., & Buckley Walker, K. (2022, 18 Jan). Has government investment in higher education equity been worth it? Times Higher Education (Campus).

Recent podcasts

Supporting First-In-Family Students: Practitioner Experiences & Research Findings

THESIS: Trends in Higher Education Systems in International Spheres By THESIS Podcast