Dean, Graduate Research

Professor Sarah O’Shea is an award-winning educator, internationally recognised researcher and equity expert in higher education settings.

Sarah O'SheaInstitutional and nationally funded projects advance understanding of how under-represented student cohorts enact success within university, navigate transition into and through this environment, manage competing identities and negotiate aspirations for self and others. A senior academic leader with over 30 years tertiary experience that includes leading a National Centre for Higher Education Research and Policy as well as an Academy of Tertiary Teaching and Learning Excellence, Sarah has led changes across the Australian higher education sector by developing pioneering educational programmes, securing national and international competitive funding and forging collaborations across disciplines and sectors. She has published extensively and has been awarded nearly $AUD4 million in grant funding in the last decade, also managing over $8 million in Federal Government funding. Sarah has also been recognised for her work via numerous awards and is currently an Australian Learning and Teaching Fellow (ALTF), a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA), and a Churchill Fellow (CF).