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Taking the Treaty out of child protection law risks making NZ a global outlier

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Do the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi really give Māori too much power – or not enough?

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“To live with respect in a world worth living in”: What I’ve learned from my friend, Stan Grant

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Waitangi 2024: how the Treaty strengthens democracy and provides a check on unbridled power

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Reflection on the voice to parliament

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Putting te Tiriti at the centre of Aotearoa New Zealand’s public policy can strengthen democracy – here’s how

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Colonial ideas have kept NZ and Australia in a rut of policy failure. We need policy by Indigenous people, for the people

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Many of my own people tell me they don't understand the Voice

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In the year of the Voice, Australians must overcome a language barrier if we're to speak to each other, to hear the same truth

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As Fiji prepares to vote, democracy could already be the loser

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Resentment breeds in the wounds of war, as Seamus Heaney and his ancient inspiration still show today

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The Ukraine war may be a battle for the global order. But with China's rise and democracy's decline, what will it look like in 2050?

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On Martin Luther King Jr Day, democracy is still struggling to meet the greatest American's test

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America for so many is a lie still in search of liberty, but it can't hide from what it is — not like Australia

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The power of yindyamarra: how we can bring respect to Australian democracy

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Journalist Stan Grant and rapper Philly headline inaugural Warangesda Festival

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