The Gender Network (Gender, Feminist and Queer Research and Practice)
The Gender Network strives to be a nationally and internationally recognised network that shares knowledge, collaborates on research projects and provides leadership in gender and feminist studies.
Our mission
To advance and promote the Gender Network at Charles Sturt University as a visible and principal research entity in Australia and internationally. To produce research about women, gender and sexuality from a feminist and gender studies perspective. To pursue feminist inquiry related to gender equity and women’s empowerment.
Goals and Objectives
- Advance scholarship and research at Charles Sturt in the area of gender studies
- To contribute to knowledge, research and policy about women and gender in Charles Sturt regions, nationally and internationally.
- To establish relationships with national and international research partners and develop opportunities for partnerships and collaborative research.
- Cultivate research that is about women and for women and uses feminist research principles in design and methodology. To provide infrastructure and support for HDR students in this area
- To be responsive to the needs of our regions
- Promote and support internal and/or external research collaborations and the development of larger research teams and partnerships to facilitate critical research mass within the university
Tri-faculty initiative
We are a tri-faculty initiative. Our lead and co-leaders represent each of Charles Sturt University's faculties.
Position Vacant
Faculty TBC
Charles Sturt University aims to create a world worth living in
This research is contributing to knowledge, research and policy about women and gender in Charles Sturt regions, nationally and internationally